Supreme Lady Training (1)

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     "Aaaand the new STINKIN' hall monitor will be...Miss Himiko Yumeno," Headmaster Kirigiri whined. The students were gathered in the auditorium to hear the announcement of the next hall monitor for Hope's Peak that week. Upon hearing her name, Himiko sunk lower into her seat as the other students snickered and whispered amongst themselves. 

   "Oh, we'll have nothing to worry about, then," Junko sneered to her friends. Some of the other students eyed Himiko and laughed nastily, ready to take advantage of her. 

   "Miss Yumeno...come up on stage, or whatever, and take your stupid hall monitor badge and uniform!" Headmaster Kirigiri slurred. Himiko trudged up onto the stage and took the uniform from Mr. Kirigiri. "Okay, future hobos, go to your classes!" he said, and the students stood up to head to their respective classes. 

   "Oh, wow, Himiko! You're so lucky!" Tenko gushed. "You get to be the boss this week!"

   "Yeah...lucky me," Himiko muttered worriedly. 

   "Are ya nervous, Himiko?" Angie asked. 

   "A little bit," Himiko replied. "It's not like anyone is going to take me seriously."

   "Oh, don't worry about that!" Tenko said. "If people are being mean to you, just tell me and I'll handle them! Unless they're a girl, that is! Then I'll just give whoever she is a stern talking-to!"

  "Thanks," Himiko replied. "Um...well...I guess I should do my duty, then."

   "Okay, Himiko! Good luck!" Angie chirped. 

    "Yup! See you during lunchtime, Himiko!" Tenko said. Himiko waved goodbye to both her friends. She sighed as she began to patrol the school for any ne'er-do-wells. In the science hall, she found Junko and some of her snobby friends. 

   "Um...guys?" Himiko asked in a feeble voice. "You should be in class." Junko and her friends cackled nastily at her. 

   "And what are you gonna do if we don't go?" Junko said with a smirk. 

   "W-Well...I'll have to write you up," Himiko replied. 

   " you have the guts to do that!" Junko replied. "Even Moo-cow here has more authority than you do," she added, gesturing to her sister, Mukuro. "Now, if you don't mind...shoo!" Then, she turned back to her friends and continued talking to them as if Himiko had never shown up. Himiko turned around and quickly walked away, hoping the others wouldn't see her wet eyes. She entered the math hall where she encountered Leon, who was eating candy and littering in the hall. He scoffed when he saw Himiko, which made her want to run away and hide. 

   "Nyeh...Leon? You're not supposed to litter," she mumbled. 

   "NyEh...LeOn? YoU'rE NoT SuPpOsEd To LiTtEr," Leon mocked, then laughed. "Haha, don't you know how STUPID you sound?! And Kokichi calls YOU his Supreme Lady? Ha! He's better off with someone else!" He gave Himiko a cruel smile and threw another candy wrapper on the floor before walking away. Himiko felt her face grow hot and her eyes water. She ran to the nearest girls bathroom and threw her badge to the ground.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 1 (A New Oumeno)Where stories live. Discover now