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      "He-eeeyyyy, HimiCocoa Bean!" Kokichi said as he sat down next to Himiko in the school cafeteria during lunch. He placed a pencil and a piece of paper on the table. Himiko smiled sleepily at him.

   "Nyeh...hi, Kokichi," she said. Kokichi lunged for her face and gave her cheek a kiss that was so juicy that it made a suction cup noise. "Eww...gross," Himiko said, wiping her cheek.

  "Heeeyy, don't wipe iiiiit!" Kokichi pouted, grabbing her hand and pulling it away from her cheek. "I'm just gonna do it again!" He grabbed her face and started kissing it all over.

   "GAH, Kokichi! Stop! Hee-hee...that tickles!" Himiko squealed. Finally Kokichi stopped and Himiko was caught in a giggling fit. She swatted at him as he laughed. "What'd you do that for?!" 

   "D'aawwww, it's because I wuv yoouuu..." he replied, squishing his cheek against hers and holding her face. "I wuv you, ma sorcière chérie!" 

   "'re really affectionate, today," Himiko said. Not that she minded. She and Kokichi have been a couple for a few weeks now, and the more they spent together, the more they enjoyed each others' company, even more when they were just friends. She looked over at the piece of paper that Kokichi had brought and scanned the words that were written on it. "What is this?" she asked him as he kept kissing her cheek repeatedly. He finally stopped to answer her question.

   "Oh, that's my 'nicknames for Himiko' list!" he replied. "I thought of other names I might want to call you, in case I get bored of the ones that are overused."

    "Well, even if you overuse it, I definitely still want you to call me 'Stinky Butt,'" Himiko said. Kokichi smiled and raised his eyebrows at her in surprise.

  "Yeah? You like that one, huh?" 

  "Mm-hmm," Himiko nodded. "I think it's fitting for you to turn insults into terms of long as they're not THAT mean."

   "Oh? And what insulting term of endearment wouldn't be acceptable?" Kokichi asked.

  "Definitely 'Donkey Lips,'" Himiko replied, shooting a dirty look at Miu who was sitting on the other side of the cafeteria eating with with Kazuichi, Chihiro, and Kiibo. 

   "Eh, I wasn't gonna call you that, anyways," Kokichi said. "And you don't have donkey lips, you have cute, little guppy lips." He laughed as he squeezed her cheeks, causing her lips to poke out like a fish. She swatted his hands away and coyly batted her eyelashes at him.

   "Stop it," she said in a small, flirty voice. 

  "Nuh-uh," Kokichi replied, repeating her tone and pressing his forehead against hers. She rolled her eyes and laughed.

   "Okay, okay, what names did you put on the list?" 

  "Ahem...let's see," Kokichi began. "Well, first of all, this list has nicknames that aren't exactly insults, since I didn't know you preferred insulting terms. BUT, I also tried not to make them sound so mushy! I'll read them all first, and then you give me your opinions on them afterwards, 'kay? Okie-dokie, here we go...I got 'Stinky Butt,' obviously. Then, 'Hocus Pocus,' 'Strawberry Shortcake,' 'Houdini Menzel,' 'HimiCocoa Bean,' of course, 'Chérie Potter,' 'Bunny,' 'My Little Sorceress,' 'Strawberry Cream Cheeks,' 'Monkey Buns,' and...'Scarlet.'"

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