☆ Road Trip

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Jesse leans against the front doorframe, arms crossed. Z stands next to him, shaking his head.

"Guys, you don't need to bring everything you own just to go on a road trip!"

Jesse shouts.

T runs into the living room, holding a comically large bag. Z rolls his eyes and walks over to him.

"What's in here?"

T smiles.

"My stuff!"

"Yeah, probably a bunch of stuff you don't need. Put it back, babe."

T huffs.

"No. You don't even know what's in here."

As the two bicker, Tae and Robaire flip couch cushions, move tables, searching for... Something.


Robaire cries out, catching the attention of Jesse.

"What are you looking for?"

"Our gameboys!"

Tae chimes in. Jesse sighs.

"I already put them in the van for you guys. Now please, clean up. We need to leave."

Tae and Robaire stop in their tracks, smiling sheepishly. They quickly put things back into place, acting like nothing happened.

20 minutes into the ride, Robaire is already asleep, having not even turned on the gameboy that he and Tae trashed the whole house looking for.

T lays his head on Z's shoulder, sharing a pair of earphones while watching 101 Dalmatians. His request.

"We should get some dogs like that, Z. They're cute."

Z hums, keeping his eyes on the laptop.

Tae looks out the window, beaming at their surroundings.

"Are we there yet?"

Tae had previously convinced Jesse to make their first stop at the beach near their home.

"Almost, kiddo."

"Nah man, that didn't count! That's gotta be- Jesse, you saw that?"

T, Robaire, Z and Tae play volleyball on the sand while Jesse relaxes on a chair, shades covering his face.

"I don't know."

He pays little mind to Robaire's shouting. Robaire laughs and goes back to the game.

They play for a while longer, before T opts out.

"Z, wanna check out that cave with me?"

He points to a scary looking cave on the edge of the beach.

"Do I have a choice?"


T grabs his hand, almost running toward the ominous cave.

"If we die, it's your fault."

"Yeah, whatever."

The pair make their way into the cave, Z being a lot more cautious.

"Be careful, tiny."

T smiles at the nickname, slowing down a bit. They reach a small pool within the cave.

"This is so sick!"

T exclaims. They both go to sit on some of the rocks, dipping their feet in the water.

Z suddenly pulls T close, slinging an arm over his shoulder. T blushes. He doesn't say anything, just smiles as Z kisses his temple.

T turns his head, looking lovingly into Z's eyes. Z places hands on either side of his face, kissing it all over. T giggles, closing his eyes. Z stops and looks at him again.

"You're pretty."

Z says before kissing him softly on the lips.

"Well, you're adorable."

They kiss again, enjoying their moment alone together.

Back on the road, it's Robaire's turn to drive. Jesse sits in the passenger seat, skipping through songs on the radio.

"Dude, just pick a station already!"

T complains from the back seat.

"None of 'em are playing what I wanna hear."

He continues.

"Put in a CD!"

"Fine. Any suggestions?"

T opens his mouth again, but Jesse speaks before him.

"We are not listening to the The Little Mermaid soundtrack."

T pouts, shutting up and stopping his reach for the CD that's always on the van's middle console.

"I wanna listen too!"

Tae says.


T exclaims, reaching for the CD again and handing it to Jesse.

"That's only two, kid."

"Z agrees with me. Don't you, babe?"

T looks at Z with the cutest face he can conjure up. He sticks his bottom lip out a bit, making him look quite silly to Z- but adorable nonetheless. Z looks like he's going to disagree, because he doesn't really want to listen to Disney songs- but T's face just makes his heart melt.

"I don't mind."

Z gives in, earning a small 'yes!' from T.

"Three outta five, that means you have to play it!"

Jesse sighs, sliding the disc into the slot.

gonna make some more parts to this lol

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