Matchmaker 3

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Days pass by quickly, and the boys finish their song. On the day of the music video shoot, Jesse is quiet. He's only said a few words the entire day, which is a bit unlike him. T and Tae have come up with a plan.

They've invited Beck and the twins to the filming location to watch them, hopefully she'll notice Jesse's feelings towards her and realize she has some too. ...Okay, it's not the most solid plan, but it's the best they could come up with.

The studio that they're filming at is bustling with people, Jesse being still amongst all the energy clearly sets him apart. He sits on a stool, not doing anything, just waiting for instruction.

Tae goes up to Jesse with a smile.

"Hi Jesse, are you okay?"

He says loudly to be heard over the chatter. Jesse nods, not opening his mouth to say anything.

Meanwhile, Beck and the kids are entering the room, trying to find the band. T spots them and waves them over. Jesse's eyes grow wide, and he stands up.

"Hey, what are you three doing here?"

Jesse says, ruffling Willow's hair.

"Your friends invited us!"

As Beck says this, Jesse shoots a subtle glare to T and Tae. T winks back at him, making Jesse roll his eyes.

"That's... cool..."

Jesse says awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. He's looking down to hide his blush, but Beck really didn't notice it in the first place.

Beck hums, looking around at all the people. Her eyes settle on a plain white backdrop in the corner of the room.

"What's that?"

Jesse glances to where she's looking.

"That's where we're recording the dance stuff. Usually we would do a more creative video, but on such short notice it's-"

"Yeah, I get it! Gotta get those moves in."

Beck does a little shimmy, laughing quietly to herself. Jesse smiles at her, staring for a few seconds without realizing. He looks away with a fake cough.

"Y- yeah, we had to release the song before Backstreet Boys did."

"Wait, Backstreet Boys are releasing a song?"

"That's what management told us."

Beck grins, clapping her hands quietly in excitement.

"Wow! They're like, my favorite band ever, I mean other than yours of course. I actually ran into Nick again the other day, can you believe that? He really-"

"Wait, Nick Carter?"

Jesse interrupts, questioning her although he knows it's obviously Nick Carter. The last time the two crossed paths, Nick was totally friendly, but he also looks almost exactly like Jesse and easily caught the attention of Beck. Jesse is not thrilled to hear of this recent interaction between the two, even if it meant absolutely nothing.

"Uh, yeah? Anyway, he said he remembers me from that time that me and you went to Jamestown, isn't that nice? He's nice."


Jesse rolls his eyes, already annoyed at the mention of his name. T and Tae, who were watching the entire conversation, turn to eachother.

"So, that's weird."

Tae says. T groans dramatically.

"This sucks. Girls are hard, why does Jesse have to be straight, why couldn't he just be like the rest of us and get a boyfriend?"

"It's not... that bad?"

They both continue to look at Jesse and Beck. Jesse's mouth is upturned into an awkward smile, and Beck just looks confused. It's painful to watch.

"Tae, it is that bad. Jesse has absolutely no game."

"He had her before, he can do it again..."

"They started dating in what, high school? Who knows how he was back then, what matters now is that he's older and doesn't know what he's doing."

Jesse opens his mouth to say something, but T and Tae can't hear it over the people in the room. No doubt that it's something awkward. The only word to describe this entire situation is AWKWARD.

Then, Raya comes and taps Jesse on the shoulder. She's telling him to follow her, so he reluctantly says goodbye to Beck. The moment Jesse's gone, T rushes up to her.

"Oh, hey!"

"Hey Beck."

"Nice to see you again! I've always wanted to go to one of these."

"Oh, this is nothing. Our videos are usually a lot more fun, this whole thing is kinda rushed."

Before T can change the subject, there's yelling behind him.

"Tae Young, Robaire, Aarons! Get over here, we're starting!"

Shouts one of the crew members. T jogs over, getting in position to start filming.

a/n: i might not update for a while, just letting y'all know i'm not dead or anything just got some other stuff to do!!

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