☆ Training Wheels

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One afternoon, Z is driving his boyfriend to the skate park. Something he's done countless times before- whether it be because T doesn't want to drive, or that no one really trusts him to- or that Z just wants an excuse to spend that extra amount of time with him.

Usually, Z would just sit and wait for T to be done with whatever he's doing. Today, T has different plans.

The moment Z parks the car, T is jumping out and heading straight for the bowl. Z goes to sit on a bench, making sure T is in his sight.

T runs and jumps onto his board, skating around for a little while. Once other people start to join in, he comes out and goes back over to Z.

"Hey, babe."


"You look so lonely over here. Don't you wanna come skate?"

Z shakes his head. T shrugs, but he's not really about to let it go so easily. For now, he just goes to skate some more.

Minutes later, Z looks away for just a moment. When he looks back, he can't find T. He sighs and stands up to look around the park- and then he spots him. He's surrounded by three other guys, balancing on four skateboards stacked on top of each other.

The guys are cheering him on, and Z starts to speed-walk over to them.

"This is gonna be sick, man!"

"Someone push me!"

T laughs, and one of the others pushes him forward. Before he can drop down into the bowl, though; he loses his balance. Luckily, Z got there just in time to catch him.


All of the boards fall from under T's feet, rolling away. Z sighs and helps his boyfriend to his feet.

"Now why'd you think that was a good idea?"

"I would have been fine if you didn't catch me, y'know."

T says, brushing himself off. Z rolls his eyes.

"Don't hurt yourself."

"I know what I'm doing, Z!"

Z goes to sit back down, but T grabs his hand.


"Stay right here."

T slides into the bowl and picks up his skateboard, then takes Z's hand again, walking him into the empty parking lot.

"What are you doing..."

T places the board in front of Z and smiles up at him.

"Oh no."

"Come on, just once! I'll hold your hand the entire time."

Z is about to say no, but T is looking at him with big, pleading eyes, and it only takes a second for him to give in.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..."

Z mumbles before stepping onto the board. T holds both of his hands, helping him balance before letting go.

"Good! Now, you wanna bend your knees just a little, keep your balance, and..."

T starts to explain, but then just pushes Z forward.

"Wait! You didn't even- Ahh!"

Z falls over, and T runs up to him.

"Are you okay?"

"Ugh, yeah."

T looks concerned, but then starts laughing quietly.

"What's funny?"

"I guess you just... fell for me."

T winks before breaking out into a fit of laughter. Z laughs as well, pulling T down to the ground with him.

"Come here, you dork."

Z pulls his boyfriend close to him, kissing all over his face.

"You wanna try again?"

T smiles.

"I think I'll leave that to you."

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