☆ Twenty Two 2

348 10 21


"T, are you almost read-"

T steps out of the bathroom, posing with one hand on his hip. Z's eyebrows raise in reaction to his outfit- a black tank with a cropped mesh top over it, and tight denim shorts that stop just at his upper thighs.


Z circles around T once, taking his time to admire the way his curves are being hugged with the outfit. He runs his hands along T's back and thighs, and T giggles.

"You like it?"

"Oh, I love it. When did you get all this?"

Z continues to feel T up, starting to toy with the waistband of his shorts.

"Some stuff I got for my birthday. I have a lot more. Maybe I'll show you when we get back from the party."

"Mmm. I'm thinking we ditch them and have a party of our own, right here."

T blushes a bit, but still rolls his eyes.

"Z, we don't have time for that..."

Z kisses along T's neck, laughing quietly as he feels T start to melt into his touch.

"Nothing wrong with being fashionably late."

"To my own party? I-I don't think so."

T giggles as Z finally pulls away, kissing him once on the cheek.

"Let's go then."

The band pulls up to the house where T's party is being held, and see Lance and JC outside waiting for them.

"Who's house is this again?"

Jesse asks as they get out of the car.

"It's just our friend's, he's letting us use it for tonight."

JC responds, showing them inside.

"Okay. You guys should get all the stuff set up, I'm gonna go check out upstairs!"

T says before running to explore the rest of the house. That leaves the rest of the guys, including JC and Lance, to set up for the party.

Upstairs, T finds a few bedrooms, all of which are locked. All except one. He looks inside of it, just peeking his head through the door. There are *NSYNC posters on the walls- mostly just pictures of Justin.

Weird, T thinks. Having found nothing really interesting upstairs, he heads back down to see what everyone else is up to.

"Hey, Z! Are you guys almost done?"

"We just started five minutes ago, babe."

T looks around, seeing Jesse and JC still hanging yellow streamers from doorways. Lance and Tae Young are setting up the snacks, and Robaire is... standing there with his arms crossed. T walks over to him.

"What's up?"

"Does this house seem weird to you? Like off?"

"Um... No?"


"Ro, get over here!"

Jesse calls Robaire over to help him, and Robaire groans. Everyone is now helping put up decorations and such for the party, except for T who's waiting on the couch.

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