A Flair for the Dramatic

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It's a quiet day in 4*Town's small corner of LA. Everything for them is back to normal, after the whole situation a few weeks ago. Now, they're enjoying a casual day at home.

In Tae Young's room, he and T are sitting next to each other on Tae's bed. They're listening to one of Tae's Avril Lavigne CDs, but the music is mostly drowned out by their conversation- or rather, T's rambling.

"Also, do you wanna come with Raya and I to see The Rocket Summer? They're like, a pop punk band- well, not really a band, it's just one guy- his name is Bryce, by the way- but he tours with a band, you know? They don't actually help write the songs or anything so they're not, like, an actual band band, it's really his solo project, but obviously he can't play all the instruments live- well at least not at the same time anyway. It'd be really weird if he tried to play them all at once, like how-"

T stops mid-sentence as they hear a quick knock on Tae Young's door. Tae calls for them to come in.

"These just came in the mail."

It's Jesse, carrying a heavy stack of different magazines. He sets them on the bed near T.

"Thank you!"

"Why you guys subscribe to that many, I'll never understand... Oh, also, one of mine is in that stack somewhere. You can just leave it on the counter when you get to it."


Jesse ruffles Tae's hair before leaving.

"What were you saying, T?"

Tae asks, starting to look through the pile.

"Oh yeah! So, the show is this weekend, so you have a little time to learn the songs if you wanna come with us. Also, they're super underground, so there won't be too many people there."

"Sounds like fun."

"I promise, it will be."

"Look, we made the cover of this one!"

Tae holds up one of the magazines, where on the cover is one of the pictures from the band's recent shoot.

"Oh my god, we look so hot. We really should frame this and put it up somewhere."

T says, and Tae laughs as he looks through the other covers.

"I guess this was *NSYNC's shoot they did after ours."

Tae shows T another magazine. He laughs.

"Well, they don't look bad. But we look better."

T tosses the magazine aside, instead picking up Jesse's issue of Rolling Stone.

Later, everyone has made their way downstairs into the living room. T and Jesse are arguing over the movie selection, while Tae, Robaire and Z sit on the couches.

"Dude, no one wants to watch your little nerd movies! They're boring!"

T says as he takes the Star Wars DVD from Jesse and puts it back on the shelf.

"Well, we just watched your movie last week! If I have to see that Ghostface mask one more time, I'm literally moving out."

"Well, does anyone else wanna choose the movie?"

T turns around, seeing none of the others paying attention.

"Rock paper scissors?"

Jesse suggests. T scoffs before they start playing, yet he loses on the first round.

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