Reprisal 3

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When the band gets out of the limo, there are photographers and reporters waiting for them outside. As usual, Robaire is the only one that really enjoys this. The others get into the building as quickly as possible, starting their walk down the carpet.

For the first few stops, they all walk together as a band. Then, they break off into groups: T and Z, Robaire and Tae Young, and Jesse and Beck.

"Robaire, where's your date?"

A reporter asks. Robaire smiles and says,

"He's right here."

Robaire squeezes his boyfriend's hand. Tae Young blushes as the camera clicks go off even faster.

Right behind them, T and Z are getting their photos taken as well. Z poses with his arm around T's waist.

"So, are the rumors true? You two are really gay?"

T flips off the reporter, and he and Z walk off to the next spot. Z laughs and kisses T's temple before leaning in to speak to him.

"You don't think that was a little much?"

"Nah. Besides, I stopped caring about all this years ago."


The band (and Beck) are finally taken to their seats, and they're waiting for the show to start. As more people start to come in, Robaire notices who's sitting at the table next to them.

"Oh hell no. Is that-"

"Hi, Lance!"

Tae Young goes over to the table beside theirs to talk to Lance, and Robaire sits back in his chair with his arms crossed.

"Are you seeing this right now?"

"I didn't know you had a problem with Lance?"

Jesse says.

"I don't. But if he's here, then that means..."

Just as Robaire says this, the rest of *NSYNC joins Lance at their table. Robaire quickly stands to pull Tae Young away.

"What, you're not gonna say hi?"

Justin smirks and Robaire tries his best to ignore him.

"Justin, give it a rest. We don't need another fight between you guys."

JC says as he and Justin sit down.

"Of course they just had to get the table right next to ours."

Robaire says, still glaring at Justin. Everyone except Tae Young is pretty much ignoring Robaire at this point.

T and Z are having a conversation when T sees someone out of the corner of his eye. He gasps and puts a hand over his mouth.

"Something wrong?"

"Z, I swear I just saw Mark Hoppus."

Z just looks at him.

"Am I supposed to know who that is?"

"Are you kidding?"

"Um... No?"

T shakes his head in disappointment, then stands up, pulling Z with him in the direction that Mark went.

Jesse and Beck are still at the table, sitting closely together. Jesse has his arm around Beck's shoulders.

"The show hasn't even started yet and I'm already tired."

Beck says as she rests her head against Jesse.

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