Charm 3

515 18 16

Tae Young runs back outside, looking for Jesse. He sees him still sitting calmly, and he rushes over to him.

"Jesse, I heard Robaire talking to someone and he said that he doesn't care about me and he's seeing someone else and I-"

"Woah, slow down! Come here, sit with me."

Tae sits down in a chair next to Jesse's, still crying.

"Now, calm down. What were you saying about Robaire?"

Tae wipes his eyes.

"He... was talking, like, on the phone or something... and I heard him say 'I don't even care about him' and that he already has someone else."

Jesse gives a sympathetic look, rubbing his back.

"Hey, it's okay. I'll talk to him."

Tae nods sadly, sniffing.

"I don't know what I did wrong... I just wanted to..."

Jesse watches as Tae starts crying again. He frowns, starting to grow furious at Robaire for making him feel like this. He stands up from his chair, moving to wrap Tae in a hug. Tae just cries into him, sobs shaking his small frame. 

"Here, come inside."

They go into the house, Jesse stopping in the living room. He doesn't want to leave Tae by himself while he's feeling like this, so he goes over to T and Z. 

"Guys, something happened with Tae. Sorry to interrupt your little date, but he needs someone right now."

They both sit up from the couch, looking worried. Tae Young sits next to Z. 

"I'm gonna go have a talk with Robaire."

Jesse announces before leaving, practically stomping all the way to Robaire's room. Through the door, he can hear loud music. His face forms a scowl, and he opens the door, barging in. Robaire is sitting on the edge of his bed, typing something on his phone. He looks up, annoyed, turning the music off.

"What the hell man, ever heard of knocking?"

Jesse crosses his arms. 

"What is wrong with you? Do you know that Tae is downstairs crying his heart out because of what you said?"

Robaire just stares at him, confused.

"What? I didn't say anything to-"

"He told me everything. He heard you talking on the phone earlier."

"I wasn't-"

"Quiet. You know, he really cares about you. He adores you so much, and you just led him on, you gave him hope that you could be together- hell, I even thought you would! But no, it seems you're just toying with him, like you do with every other guy or girl that you come across. You never take any relationships seriously! I don't know why that is, or why you think that he's not worth your time or something, but you better get your act together. No one is gonna treat my Tae Young like that, he doesn't deserve it. He's been nothing but sweet to you, to everyone, and you're treating him like he's just another one of those girls that you use to get what you want."

Robaire angrily watches Jesse go off, waiting for him to be done.

"Your Tae Young?"

Robaire scoffs.

"You're not his dad, stop babying him. He can look out for himself. Also, this is really none of your business. I can do whatever I want."

"Yeah, and that's why every single relationship you've been in turned out so well."

Jesse says sarcastically.

"You've got to learn that you can't just do whatever you want. Not when it comes to other people's feelings."

Robaire makes a noise of frustration, standing up.

"Get out of my room, Jesse."

Jesse rolls his eyes and leaves, hearing Robaire slam the door behind him.

Robaire waits until he hears Jesse's footsteps get farther away before hitting his back against the door and sliding down. He puts his face in his hands, not crying, but dangerously close.

He didn't mean to make Tae Young feel like that. He didn't mean to lead him on and then make him feel like nothing. He doesn't even know how much of his earlier conversation that Tae heard, so he just assumes the worst.

Jesse's right. Tae doesn't deserve to be treated like this, especially not by me.

Robaire sits like this for a few minutes, his face hidden in his hands. He exhales shakily, standing up.

I need to make this right.

He thinks to himself, trying to gain some composure before going to find Tae Young.

i <3 leaving you all on a cliffhanger

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