Familia 2

452 19 29

When the trio gets to the house, T squeals in excitement.

"Oh my god! It's just like I remember!"

T quickly escapes the car, beaming up at his childhood home. It's not the most lavish looking house; its paint chipping off here and there, the lawn slightly overgrown- but T still looks at it in astonishment.

"Tori! Z! Come on!"

He shouts before running up to the front door, taking out the spare key that he's kept after all the years. Z takes both his and T's suitcases, following him and Victoria inside.


T rushes up to his mom the moment he sees her, hugging her tightly.

"Mi niñito!"

"Hola, mamá."

Victoria says, closing the door behind Z.

"Ay, the other Aaron!"

"Yeah. You all remember him, right?"

"Si, si! Have you worked on your Spanish at all? Como estas?"

Z laughs a little.

"Uh, I'm doing good. It's nice to see you all again."

"Of course!"

"Donde es Ana?"

Victoria asks their mother, who sighs.

"Ana! Ven aquí!"

She yells, and quick footsteps follow shortly after.

"Ma- Aaron!"

Ana screeches, running over to T and crushing him in a hug. Ana looks pretty much identical to T, just being a bit shorter and with longer hair.

"Hello to you too."

"I missed you so much! Oh my god! Aaron Z! From 4*Town! It's you!"

She quickly lets go of T, covering her mouth when she sees Z standing nearby.

"Uh, yeah. It's me."

"Ana, you know I'm also in the band-"

"You're like, my favorite person ever! I can't believe you're in my house!"

Ana fans her face, starting to talk faster and in a higher pitch.

"Wow! Does my hair look okay? Is my makeup good? He's not dating anyone, is he? Aaron!"

She looks over to T, who has his arms crossed and eyes narrowed at her.

"Oh, right. Sorry, I got a little excited."

"Yeah, you better back off. He's mine, and he's too old for you anyway."

Z just looks between the two with a straight face.

"Uh, anyway... My other sister would probably wanna see us as well..."

"Oh, Veronica? Pfft, she hasn't been home in months."


Ana nods.

"And it's a good thing, too. I'd be happy if she never showed her face here again, that little carechimba-"

"Ana! Do not talk about your sister like that."

"Oh come on, mamá, you know she deserves it."

"Enough! Go show these boys to T's room."

"They already know where-"


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