The Way It Was 3

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"...What do you mean, what actually happened?"

T questions, growing anxious to hear what his friend has to say. Tae Young returns to his spot on the bed.

"I'm just gonna say it... Justin and I kissed at AJ's party."

Tae's answer is not what T expected to hear. He laughs nervously.

"Uh- you're serious?"

Tae nods.


"I feel so bad... And it's not like it was just a small kiss either. Not at all."

T raises his eyebrows.

"So, you full-on made out with Justin Timberlake."


A few seconds pass before T responds.

"Well, if we look past the obvious, that's pretty impressive."

T nudges Tae Young, and he rolls his eyes, almost laughing at how easily T can make light of the situation.

"I guess."

"Was he good though?"

"Uh, yeah..."

Tae blushes, and T giggles childishly. He settles down after a few seconds, coming up with another question.

"Okay, I have to ask. Are you not gonna get back with Robaire? Do you have a thing for Justin now?"

"Well... I don't know. If Robaire knew what I did, he wouldn't want me back anyway..."

T scoffs.

"Seriously? What he did was way worse. At least you kissed Justin in private."

"Yeah, but... It's still Justin. Jesse probably wouldn't love that either."

"Well, they don't have to know. Your secret's safe with me."

Tae sighs, partially from relief.

"This feels so wrong. I don't like keeping secrets from people. Especially ones like that."

"I won't think of you any differently, you know. We all have our things."

T smiles sincerely and puts his hand on Tae's shoulder.

"What do you think's going on down there?"

Tae asks after a moment of silence.

"I have no idea. I didn't hear any yelling, though, which is honestly more concerning than it should be."

T gets up.

"You're gonna go down there?"

"Just wanna make sure Jesse hasnt strangled him or something."

Tae frowns, and T immediately apologizes, slapping a hand to his forehead.

"Man, I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that either. You wanna come with?"

"No... I think I'll stay in here."

T goes down the stairs as quietly as he can, peering around the corner. He sees Jesse, looking furious, saying something to Robaire. He can't make out exactly what he's saying, but whatever it is, Robaire's not very happy to hear it.

On the couch, Z is sitting alone. T quickly goes over to him and sits.


"What is going on? Why is Jesse being so calm?"

Z looks at Jesse.

"He doesn't look that calm to me."

"You know what I mean, Z! I haven't heard him yell a single word!"

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