A Night to Remember 2

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The next morning, everyone got up early. Jesse invited them into their music studio, the place where they record only a small portion of their music. Jesse doesn't normally let anyone else in there; he doesn't trust his bandmates around his guitars and drumsets.

"Okay, so I was thinking for our performance, we should do the song, but in a different style."

Jesse explains while strapping one of his guitars on, plugging it into a nearby amplifier and adjusting the volume.

"So, it would go like..."

He plays the chords to Nobody Like U, adding a few extra notes in between.

"That's awesome!"

"Yeah, but how are you gonna dance with that thing?"

"Oh... Right. I guess we'll have to hire someone. A few people, actually- we need a drummer, a bassist, a lead guitarist, more tech guys..."

"We have the money for that?"

Z asks. Robaire scoffs at this, replying arrogantly.

"Of course we do, we're 4*Town."

"The academy is gonna be paying for most of it. We basically have unlimited budget."

Jesse says.

"Unlimited? That means we can do my idea! Come on!"

T exclaims, grabbing Z by the hand and pulling him.

"Hey, don't run in here! My instruments!"


T leads everyone to the living room, where he has a big poster set on the table. There's writing and drawing on it, vaguely resembling a stage on fire.

"Uh, what is that?"

Tae Young laughs.

"It's the stage, duh."

T says matter-of-factly, pointing at the drawing.

"We'll have some fire here, and here, and there..."

"Uh, I don't know... Seems dangerous."

Robaire says, looking at T.

"Nah, bands do it all the time! It's called, uh... pyro... something..."

"I think it's cool."

Z nods, his eyes scanning the paper.

"Of course you do, you always agree with him."

"What, it'd be different! We haven't done anything like this before, and it'll fit perfectly with Jesse's idea."

Z says calmly, disregarding Robaire's attitude.

"I agree."


Robaire huffs, crossing his arms. He is scared of the fire being so close to him, but he doesn't say anything else about it.

"Fine. But it's not getting near me. I'm planning a grand entrance for us, I don't want that to get in the way."

"Whatever, man. Who's next? Tae?"

Z looks down at Tae Young, waiting for him to give a suggestion as well.

"I came up with sone outfits for us to wear!"

Tae takes them to his room, where his open laptop sits among a few loose papers on his desk.

"So, This is for Jesse, this is for Z, this is T's... and, uh... Robaire's..."

He shows them all the outfits he designed, the clothes being sketched from pictures he found online. They make sounds of approval, Tae being relieved that they like them.

"What about yours?"

T asks him, Tae flashing a timid smile. He shows him the outfit; a button up shirt in a light blue color, topped with a dark cropped blazer. The model in the drawing is also wearing a pleated skirt, its color matching the blazer.

"Woah! This is sick, Tae!"

T exclaims, everyone else agreeing with him.

"We'd have to take some of the stuff off for the performance, you know, so we can dance. I made sure they'd still look good without the jackets."

"Hey, ours kinda match."

Robaire says, holding his paper up next to Tae's. The outfits do look similar, with elements that complement the other.

"Yeah... I could change it if you want, we don't have to..."

"I love it, it's cute that you did that."

Robaire smirks at him.

"Okay, so now... I'm gonna need Jesse to mix the song so I can start making the choreo."

Z says, looking to Jesse, who nods.

They all get to work, making calls, recording instruments, working hard to make it the best performance ever.

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