☆ Track Three

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In the late hours of the night, T is laid in bed with Z, his head on top of his chest. Other than the faint music coming from the CD player, all T hears is the steady heartbeat and calm breaths of his lover. They'd been listening to the same blink- 182 album for hours, thanks to T, and the fact that neither of them bothered to get up to change it.

Z has a hand nestled in T's hair, just barely massaging his scalp. Every so often, he wraps a curl around his finger, or runs his hand through his hair unconsciously. T's struggling to stay awake, his eyes are starting to get heavy, and the comforting touch of Z is not making it any easier for him.

When the opening chords to the song First Date start playing, T wakes up just a little bit.

"This is my favorite song."

He yawns. Z hums in response, he himself being too tired for a conversation.

Let's go, don't wait, this night's almost over. Honest, let's make this night last forever.

T sings along in his head, gently tapping his finger in time to the song.

"Do you remember our first date?"

"Of course I do."

Z says with a tired smile as memories are pulled back to him.

"It was terrible."

"No it wasn't."

"Z, literally everything that could have went wrong, went wrong."

T says quietly, and Z sighs.

"Maybe. But it still turned out alright, remember?"

"I guess so."

They stop talking for a while, continuing to let the song play without talking over it. Their first date was surely unconventional, but that's a story for another time.

When you smile, I melt inside. I'm not worthy for a minute of your time.


T whispers, and Z shows he's listening with a 'hm'.

"I love you."

Z brings T's hand up to his lips, gently kissing his knuckles.

"I love you more."

And with that, T smiles and finally lets his eyes fall shut. Z stays up for longer, like usual. He waits a few minutes, after he's sure that T's asleep to try and get up to turn off the music. He's been listening to almost nothing but this album for days because of T. He's slowly getting tired of it, but at least he knows it was a good gift.

The moment he tries to get up though, T groans and squeezes him tighter, keeping him down. Z, although he didn't put up much of a fight, gives up and just settles back down. Even with the repetitive music playing, Z finds himself completely relaxed in his lover's presence, and joins him in sleep in minutes.

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