A Flair for the Dramatic 2

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"That was awesome, right?"

T says as he, Tae, and Raya get into the car after the show.

"Better than I expected, actually!"

"What, Raya? You expected it to be bad?"

"I mean, that kid is no Bon Jovi, but he was good."

Raya starts the car, and T climbs over to the front seat.

"T, pick a seat and stay in it. Put your seatbelt on, too."

T rolls his eyes, but listens.

"You're just like Jesse."

He mumbles as he looks through Raya's CDs.

"Tae, you good back there?"

Tae looks up from his phone and smiles at Raya.

"I'm great!"

T groans, catching the attention of Tae and Raya again.

"Raya, even your music taste is like Jesse's. You expect us to listen to Journey?

"Er- sorry about that. You can try the radio."

"Are you over him yet?"


"Like over him over him? Or are you just dealing with it because-"

"T, I really am. I love him, but I know he's with Rebecca and probably always will be. I like being his friend again, no complications."


T flips through stations on the radio, landing on a pop station that's currently playing *NSYNC's Tearin' Up My Heart.

"Is it bad that I kinda like this song?"

T says, turning the volume up a bit.

"Yes. But I don't blame you, it's catchy."

As the car is at a red light, T looks out the window. Coincidentally, the car beside them is being driven by JC, with Justin and Lance in the back seat.

"Oh no."

Tae looks up, seeing Justin looking right at him. Justin smiles brightly and winks at him, causing T to laugh.

"Look at this guy. If only Robaire were here."

T rolls up his own window and faces forward.

"Where do you think they're headed?"

Tae asks, and as he says this, he gets a notification on his phone. It's a text from Justin:

"coming 2 aj's party?"

"AJ's having a party?"

Tae says out loud, a question for T.

"Oh yeah, he is! For Halloween next week. I forgot to tell you guys that he invited us."


"How'd you know?"

"Uh... Justin?"

T raises his eyebrows in surprise for a moment. He looks over and sees Tae on his phone.

"You still have his number? Scandalous."

"I- uh... Let me tell you about it at home."

T nods, now impatient to get back to the house.

"Justin's not bothering you, is he, Tae?"

"Not really. I'm fine."

"Good to hear."

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