☆ So This Is Love

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aron T awakes with a jolt, alerting Z who's lying beside him.

"You okay?"

Z asks immediately, sitting up.

"Y- yeah. I just had a nightmare."

T rubs his eyes tiredly.

"I don't think I'm gonna be able to fall asleep again. What time is it?"

Z checks the time on his alarm clock.

"It's only midnight."


"You wanna do something?"

"Like what?"

Z pulls T out of bed, walking with him through the house. He takes him to their dance studio.

"What are we gonna do in here?"

"We're gonna dance, what's it look like?"

Z playfully rolls his eyes, picking up the room's speaker remote and pressing a button. So This is Love starts playing, and T's face lights up.

"Oh! I- you're serious?"

Z smiles at him, nodding. He dims the lights before walking over to T. He puts a hand on his hip, the other going to hold his hand.

"Z, I don't know how to..."

T becomes just the slightest bit worried, he's never slow danced a day in his life.

"It's okay. Just follow my lead."

T nods and puts his hand near Z's shoulder, beginning to move with him. Z leads him slowly in a rather simple dance, looking down at him with a smile. T stumbles a bit, but Z holds him steady.

"And now I know... The key to all heaven is mine..."

Z starts singing softly, T grins impossibly wide, surprised that Z even knows the words.

"My heart has wings, mmmm..."

T sings along, the two of them now gliding effortlessly across the floor. As if on some cue, the lights go down, soft blue and white lights illuminating the room instead.

Z watches the light shine on T's face, his eyes sparkling with color.

"So this is the miracle that I've been dreaming of..."

The couple dances for the remainder of the song, Z spinning them both around a few times. Neither of them can wipe the smile from their face, staring at each other with adoration.

Z then dips T, holding onto his leg so he doesn't fall. T gasps at this, gripping Z's shoulders to stay up.

"So this is love."

Z sings, closing the gap between them. He kisses T deeply, making the younger's knees weak. When he pulls him back up, T is breathless. The song ends, and they rest their foreheads against each other's.

"That was... Wow. Where'd that come from?"

T laughs, catching his breath.

"I love you."

Z says, causing T to blush a deep red that could still be seen even in the mostly dark room. They kiss again, this time being less intense, but full of so much love.

"I love you too. My very own Prince Charming."

T winks, beaming at Z who just smirks back at him. T then moves to lay his head on Z's chest, the pair swaying to the score still playing through the speakers.

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