☆ Twenty Two 3

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Two days after T's birthday, Z has one final surprise planned for him. They're going on a date, and T is staring at himself in the mirror, trying on the outfits that Tae Young got him.

"I don't know which one to wear. I mean, this is cute, but do you really think I could pull it off?"

"Of course you can! I think Z will love it too."

T spins around once, nodding at himself.

"You know, I think you're right."

Tae smiles.



They link their arms together, heading to the front door where Z is waiting.

"You look beautiful. Another new outfit?"

Z smirks at his blushing boyfriend.

"Yeah. Tae got it for me, it's cute right?"


Z holds his arm out, and T takes it with a smile, walking with him to the car.

"Where are we going?"

"Wouldn't be much of a surprise if I just told you, hm?"

Z starts the car, and T looks through their small CD collection to find something to listen to. He settles on Backstreet Boys' album, Black & Blue, turning the volume up high.

The drive isn't long, and after a while, the two of them are sitting in the parking lot near a carnival. Z puts on a hat and sunglasses as a sort of disguise, so they can enjoy their date in peace. T does the same, but leaving out the hat.

T is bouncing with excitement, already pulling Z along.

"I take it you like the surprise."

"Are you kidding? I love it! Where do we even go first?"

Z laughs as T pulls him off in a random direction, coming up to one of the rides. It's the classic pirate ship ride, one that you'd find at any carnival.

"You don't wanna... start with something more, uh, relaxed?"

"Have you even met me?"

The line moves pretty fast, and soon enough, T and Z are boarding the ride. T insists on sitting on one of the ship's far ends- so they'll go up higher every time it rocks. Z, although he'd never admit it, was definitely very afraid, but put on a brave face for his boyfriend.

When they get off, T is exploding with more excitement than he was when they first arrived.

"Was that awesome or what?"

T exclaims, and Z just gives him a smile and a nod.

"Where to next?"

Z asks. T is already leading them toward one of the games, drawn to the huge stuffed animals covering the booth's wall.

"Oh my god."

Among the various animals, there's a single red panda plushie.

"Z, we have to get that! The red panda!"

"As if we weren't traumatized enough."

T is already handing in his tickets and grabbing one of the water guns.

"Come on!"

Z comes up beside him, taking a gun of his own and listening to the employee explain the game's rules.

"It's simple, just shoot here to make your horse run, if you cross the finish line in time, you win."

He then starts the game without warning, sighing and crossing his arms like he'd rather be anywhere else.

Already, Z's horse is in the lead. T aims his water gun at him for a second, trying to distract him from the game.


Z laughs, quickly turning to spray T with water. Now, neither of them are concerned about the game anymore, just drenching each other and laughing until the timer runs out.

"Sorry guys, time's up."

As T and Z are walking away, T wipes some water off his face with a laugh.

"We didn't even win the panda, Z!"

"I wonder who's fault that is."

Z chuckles, nudging his boyfriend playfully.

The day goes on, and T and Z are now strolling along the boardwalk. They're walking hand in hand, and T is happily eating the cotton candy that Z bought him. After the sun has set, they eventually get on the ferris wheel, their final ride for their visit.

As they go up, Z has his arm around T's shoulders. Lights begin to flicker on from all the attractions, slowly filling the area with color. The ferris wheel's lights are the last to turn on. T is looking all around, a warm smile on his face. When his gaze finally meets Z's, he laughs a little. As Z's smiling down at him, he finds himself lost in his eyes, sparkling with the reds and blues from the lights surrounding.

They're both staring at each other, taking in each little detail of their faces. Drawn together like magnets, they inch closer and closer until their lips touch. The carnival lights seem to disappear, the glow now coming from the fireworks behind their eyelids. Z smiles into the kiss when their hands find each other's, intertwining their fingers naturally.

Neither of them want to pull away, but they do, after a while one remembers to breathe. T looks at Z for one short moment, then lies his head on his shoulder. Z pulls him in closer, never letting go of his hand.

Too soon, the ride is over, and the two of them are forced to end this magical moment and come back to reality. As they're walking back to the car, T lets out a sigh of satisfaction.

"This has probably been the best birthday of my life, Z."

"Really? It even beats last year?"


They smile at each other, now standing in front of Z's car. Z pulls T in for another kiss before they get inside.

On the drive home, the two of them sing along to their favorite songs. The windows are down, the wind's in their hair, and they're completely in love, the best feeling they could ever imagine.

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