Never Gone 5

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A day after firing Ryan, the band is at their usual picture studio for their photoshoot. T and Tae Young are sitting across from each other in a dressing room, and the stylists are putting finishing touches to their hair and makeup.

Z comes into the room, dressed in a dark red suit. Tae, who's facing the door, giggles. T smiles.

"What you laughing at?"

Tae points behind T, and he turns around- the stylist that was doing his hair sighs. When T sees his boyfriend, he gasps happily.

"Hi, Z! Y- you look good!"

Z laughs as he walks over to T. He gives him a few pecks on his lips, and the stylist crosses her arms.

"Hey, Aaron Z, could you do me a favor?"

"What's that?"

"Stop kissing him. I just did his makeup."

"Oh. Sorry-"

"Now get out. Go. Shoo."

As she pushes Z back out of the room, T and Tae Young are laughing.


T waves at Z just as the door closes. After his makeup is done again, all of the guys are in the actual photo room, standing together for pictures.

"Z, could you lean down a little? Like, way down- Can we get taller shoes for Tae Young?"

The photographer, Molly, keeps moving the guys around for what feels like forever, and they've still only taken two pictures so far.

"Alright guys, serious faces. Stop smiling, I want sexy."

As they stand in place for more pictures, Robaire sees from the corner of his eye, Beck walking into the room. He nudges Jesse, who immediately smiles when he sees her.

"Uh, Jesse! Hello! Straight face!"


"Guys, don't waste time here. I still have to shoot *NSYNC after this, and let me tell you- we do not want to keep Justin waiting."

At this, Robaire rolls his eyes.

"How many more do we have to do?"

The photographer ignores T's question and adjusts her lens.

"Alright, Robaire, in the middle, T, kneel down..."

They take a few more pictures, and finally they have a break. Jesse heads over to Beck.

"Hey, you."

"Hi, Jesse. You look fancy."

Beck smiles and puts her hands on Jesse's shoulders.

"I look ridiculous. My hair feels like a helmet."

Jesse runs a hand over his hair, which is slicked back, coated in hairspray, and hard to the touch. Beck laughs.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the room, T and Tae Young are talking.

"Did you hear what Molly said?"

T asks.

"About *NSYNC coming in later? Yeah. I hope we leave before they get here. Don't wanna run into-"

"Justin? Yeah. I don't like that guy at all."

"I just don't want him and Robaire to get into a fight or anything."

Tae sighs.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Photoshoots always get me tired."

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