Double Date 2

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"So what movie are we seeing?"

"Wrong Turn."

Robaire answers Tae Young's question. Tae furrows his eyebrows, looking at the movie posters on the outside of the building.

"You mean... That one? It... it looks scary."

"Is that okay?"

"Man, I wanted to see Finding Nemo. Why do you get to pick the movie?"

T huffs.

"Because, I'm the one who paid for all this."

"You didn't need to do that. Renting out the entire theater was excessive."

"Whatever, Z."

The four of them enter the empty room with their snacks, sitting near the back. The order they sit in goes: Robaire, Tae Young, T, then Z.

As they watch the movie, T starts to become bored. He looks over at Tae, who's eyes are glued to the screen as he clings onto Robaire. Every time there's a jump scare, he huddles closer to him.

"Z, I'm bored."

T groans, lying his head on Z's shoulder. Z ignores it, just placing his hand over T's on the seat's armrest.


"Is something wrong?"



"This movie is boring as hell."

Z rolls his eyes.

"What am I supposed to do about that?"

T just sighs, idly messing with Z's fingers. After a while, he stands up.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

He says quietly, and Z waits a bit before following him. When he gets there, he sees T leaning against the wall.

"Well, well, well."

T says, trying to keep a serious face, but he smiles when his eyes meet Z's.

"You were bored too, huh?"

"A little."

Z moves closer to T, putting one of his hands on the wall next to T's head. T blushes, but doesn't break their eye contact. His eyes flutter shut as Z presses their lips together, moving slowly against him. T giggles into the kiss when Z picks up one of his legs, pulling the two closer together and completely closing the space between them.

Too soon for T, Z pulls away and looks down at him.

"As much as I'd like to keep going, someone could walk in at any moment."

Z says breathlessly, letting T's leg fall back down, keeping his hand on his waist.

"So? That's never stopped us before."

"And we're on a date. It can wait until we get home."

"Ugh, fine. You're no fun."

Z kisses T one more time before rejoining Tae Young and Robaire. The movie is more than halfway through, and Tae Young still hasn't stopped using Robaire as a shield. Robaire thinks it's cute; obviously he planned this from the beginning. Even if they're already dating, and he's pulled this a thousand times, it's a total confidence booster for Robaire, knowing that Tae Young feels safer in his arms.


It's getting dark outside, and Jesse is relaxing at home. Nothing strange has happened since earlier, so he's just been carrying on with his day like usual. The living room TV is playing Sleeping Beauty, because apparently, according to Tae Young, Bambi likes that movie. Jesse's lying on the couch, half asleep with Bambi curled up on top of him. Just as he starts to slip away, he hears something coming from outside.

Are those... Footsteps?

Jesse looks up, searching for the source of the mysterious noise. He doesn't see anything at first, and starts to settle back down when he sees movement from the corner of his eye.

Outside, just behind the screen door, stands a fully grown female deer. Jesse's eyes widen, and he's frozen in place for a few seconds. He then reaches for his phone, quickly dialing Tae Young's number.

"Hi Jesse."

"Hey. What does it mean when there's a giant deer standing at our front door?"


"I said-"

"No, I heard you, I just... I don't know."

Tae's voice over the phone sounds just as confused as Jesse is. Jesse sighs, his eyes having never left the doe's. It hasn't moved, and Jesse quickly realizes that she's not looking at him, she's looking at Bambi.

"I think it wants the kid back."

"Probably! But he's still injured, I can't let him go back yet... I'll see what I can do when I get home."

"Okay. Be safe, don't let T drive. Love you."

"You too, Jesse! See you soon!"

The four watch the rest of the movie- meaning Tae Young and Robaire actually watch it while T and Z make out for most of the remaining time. As Robaire drives them home, they all seem more cheery than before, happily chattering about their day together. When they get out of the car, everyone except for Tae Young stops in their tracks.

"What the-"

"Why's there a-"


Tae is already right in front of the animal, gently petting its head. He says something to her, and she appears to nod before trotting off into the darkness.

"It's all good, guys!"

He smiles, holding the door for the reat of the boys to go inside. Jesse looks relieved, and Bambi quickly hops down from the couch and runs to Tae.

Tae starts talking to Bambi, and Jesse turns to the others.

"So, how was it?"

"It was actually perfect. We didn't get kicked out even once."

Robaire says, side-eyeing T.

"Really? That's gotta be a record. Good job, T."

"Yeah, yeah. What were you doing all day, old man? Watching Lord of the Rings?"

"Ha ha ha. For your information, I was babysitting. Very hard work, but of course I got the job done."

The five continue to have their random conversations, and although it's late, none of them are tired in the slightest, not even Jesse. They carry on into the night, enjoying each other's company with nothing but contentment.

a/n: i love these guys so much y'all have no idea. also i'm open for more ideas, leave some comments. i may or may not write them tho

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