☆ Shut Up

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When Z spent the night in T's room, things got rather... heated. T, of course, with his inability to stay quiet in these situations, woke up just about everyone in their rooms close by.

The morning after was awkward, unsurprisingly. Jesse and Tae sit in the kitchen, Jesse sipping his coffee, watching T walk in.

"Hey guys!"

T greets, pouring himself a bowl of cereal. Jesse narrows his eyes at him.

"What's with you?"

"Oh, nothing. Didn't sleep well."

Jesse says, T shrugs. Z then walks in, giving T a kiss on the cheek before going to the coffee maker.

"Shoulda bought those earplugs last week..."

Jesse mumbles under his breath, catching the attention of Z.

"Why are you so grumpy this morning?"

"No reason."

Z gives a puzzled look before sitting down next to T. As everyone sits in silence, Robaire finally joins them in the kitchen.

"Hey guys, have fun last night?"

He laughs, looking at both Z and T. Z's eyes widen for a moment, and he looks away with a red face.

T laughs as well.

"What are you talking about, man?"

Robaire raises an eyebrow at T, who's still acting clueless.

"Oh, Z, yes! Harder! Hardeer! Uhhh!"

Robaire raises his voice, mocking T. Jesse pinches the bridge of his nose.

T understands at last, covering his face in embarrassment.


Tae Young exclaims, still confused at what's going on.

"Nothing, kid. Ignore him."

Jesse says, taking another sip.

"Next time, use Z's room."

"Got it."


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