☆ Always

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a/n: this is set in 1999, when the band was just starting out, along with T and Z's relationship. they are not dating yet

One night, on 4*Town's tour bus, the Aarons are sitting on couches across from each other in the lounge area. T has been more unsettled than usual, with this tour being the first time he's been away from home for so long. He's in a foreign continent, where everyone has weird accents and he hasn't talked to his mom or his sisters in days and he's been to six photoshoots this week and-

"T? You good?"

He's snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Z's voice.

"I'm, uh... I'm okay."

T says quickly, giving Z an obviously fake smile. Z raises an eyebrow at him. Although they've not known each other for too long, Z can see right through him.

"You're lying."

"How do you know?"

"You always smile with only half of your face when you lie."

T blushes, looking away from Z for a second.

"You... notice that?"

"Of course. Now, wanna tell me what's bugging you?"

T sighs, looking down.

"Well, it's just... This tour. It's cool and all, but it's a lot."

"I get that. Bands always make it look easy, huh?"


A silence falls over the two again. T's still looking down, not at anything in particular. He doesn't notice the way Z's gaze has been set on him the entire time, looking at him with admiration and slight wonder.

"I guess I'm just scared."

Z doesn't say anything, just stares and waits for T to continue.

"I mean, what if we don't get big? What if this all just goes nowhere, and no one likes us, and we all end up hating each other or something, and we all die alone..."

Z listens to T's concerns, staying serious even as they spiral a bit.

"T, relax. That's not gonna happen. Even if we don't make it big, we're not gonna all turn on each other all of a sudden."

T sighs and runs a hand through his hair, calming down.

"Yeah, I know... I know."

"And if everyone else does, I'll still be here."


"Yeah. I could never leave you."

T smiles, genuinely this time. He's blushing again, turning his face away from Z so he can't see how red he is.

"Z, what are we gonna do after this tour... I mean, if we don't, y'know... get famous?"

"Well, probably go back home. Go back to normal."

"What if I don't see you guys again?"

T says sadly, a complete 360 from his attitude just seconds ago. Z starts to feel down as well, but it doesn't show in his face, it never does.

"That's impossible. I think what we have is special... With the other guys, and with us too. You and me."

"Promise me you'll stay?"

"I will."

"No, you have to say it."

T smirks at Z, trying his best to cheer himself up in his own way.

"I promise I'll stay."


"Yes, T. Always."

They quiet down, letting the faint music coming from the radio fill their ears. Even as they're sitting far apart, they feel closer than ever before.

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