Out Of Sync 5

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i said there was only gonna be one more part... i lied :0

The next day, *NSYNC is getting ready to perform. Jesse and Tae Young have tagged along to watch their sound check.

"JC, to the left more... Lance, is your mic on?"

The stage manager speaks through a microphone of their own, adjusting the band's performance. Tae Young sighs.

"Are you okay?"

Jesse takes his attention off the stage to look at Tae Young.

"Yeah. I'm just tired."

"We can go home if you want to."

Tae nods, and Jesse stands from his seat.

"Alright, just a few minutes. JC said he had to talk to me, I'll let him know we're leaving."

JC sees Jesse and waves him over.

"Hey, man."

"Hey, me and Tae Young were about to leave. What was it that you had to talk to me about?"

"Oh, that. So, basically... There's someone that's like, really into you. And she's scared to tell you, so she wanted me to talk to you for her."

"Uh... okay? Who?"

Tae Young watches from his seat, waiting for the two to be done talking. He doesn't notice Justin come up behind him.

"Hi there."

Justin smiles, and Tae jumps a little before he turns around.

"Oh- Hi Justin."

"You came to watch me?"

"Um... I came to watch... you guys. You were really good."

"You think so? Well, that was nothing. You should come see the real show tonight."

"Isn't it sold out?"

Justin laughs, biting his lip for a second before speaking again.

"I could get you in for free, easily. And I could get you backstage, if you're into that."

He winks at Tae Young. Tae doesn't catch onto what he's suggesting, and just smiles back at him.

"That sounds nice, but now that I think about it... I have plans for tonight."


"Um... Yeah. With my boyfriend...?"

Tae lies, he didn't really plan anything with Robaire for that night. He just doesn't want Justin to get the wrong idea.

Justin's smile falters for a second at the word 'boyfriend'. He narrows his eyes.

"And what are you guys doing?"

"We're, uh... just gonna stay home and watch a movie." 

"I see. I'm sure Robaire won't mind if I borrowed you for just this once then?"

"I- I think he-"

"Hey kid, ready to go?"

Jesse's back from his talk with JC, and Tae sighs in relief.

"Well, I have to go now. It was nice talking to you, Justin!"

Tae stands up, starting to follow Jesse out.


Justin calls after Tae Young, jogging up to him and taking one of his hands. Jesse doesn't look back.

"Just... think about it, okay? I swear you'll have fun."

"Okay. Um... bye."

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