What Happens on the Backstreet 3

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Tae Young is finally awake, and has joined Robaire, Z, and AJ outside.

"Hi guys!"

He goes to sit next to Robaire, who kisses his cheek after greeting him.

"Oh, you two are together? Why didn't you say anything earlier?"

AJ asks.

"Uh, you know... I don't want our relationship exposed just yet."

"Then when?"

Tae Young says suddenly, and Robaire looks away. AJ looks between the two, kind of observing them.

"Interesting reaction. Y'know, I know a lot about these things. Love and relationships and stuff like that."

Robaire sighs. This is sounding way too familiar.

"I thought I did too."

He says quietly, and AJ nods in thought.

"Well, first off... What's the reason you don't want people to know about you being together?"

"Don't you of all people know how the public would react? I don't want either me or him to go through that!"

Robaire says, looking back at Tae Young as he says the last part.

"Yeah, I do. But that can't be your only reason. Tell me, Robaire,"

AJ shifts so he's facing Robaire directly.

"What do you care more about: What the media thinks, or your relationship with Tae Young?"

Robaire rolls his eyes.

"Okay, AJ. I know what you're trying to do here. Thanks, but no thanks. Let's change the subject."

"Actually, this could be... helpful..."

Tae Young says, and Robaire looks at him with raised eyebrows.

"See? Now, answer the question."

"Obviously I care more about Tae."

"Then you should have no problem with letting everyone know that."

Robaire furrows his eyebrows and stands up.

"I don't. What is it with you other bands and trying to get in the way of our relationships?"

AJ stands up as well,

"Dude, I'm not. Sorry if it seems that way, I just-"

"We can handle this on our own, okay? We don't need your help. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

Robaire walks past AJ and goes back inside. AJ looks at Tae Young with confusion.

"Is he...?"

"He'll be fine... It's just, something did happen with Justin a while ago. He's probably still, uh, I don't know... Being cautious?"

"I see. I'm sorry if I made either of you uncomfortable with that, really."

"You didn't! Well, not me, at least. I think it's nice that you want to help."

Tae and AJ smile at each other, and Robaire comes back outside.

"That was fast. You okay?"

AJ asks. Robaire scoffs,

"I will be, as soon as you take at least five steps away from my boyfriend."

"Uh, okay..."

AJ moves away from Tae Young.

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