Back To Your Heart 2

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That night, Robaire comes home late. Jesse's at his usual spot in the kitchen, and he looks up from his laptop when he hears the door open.

"Where were you?"

"Nowhere. Why, were you waiting for me so you could lecture me some more? If that's the case, I'm not listening."

"Just because I'm upset with you doesn't mean that I don't care if you get home safe or not."

Robaire rolls his eyes, not sure how to respond. He goes to his room, and Jesse returns to what he was doing before.

Meanwhile, T and Z are lying together in Z's bed.

"How come Jesse's getting married first? It should have been us."

T says quietly, fidgeting with the ring on Z's finger.

"Well, they've been together since high school, it's about time. And it's legal for them."

"Then why'd you get us these if you knew we couldn't..."

T sighs.

"Because we will."

Z kisses the top of his boyfriend's head and pulls him closer.

"I love you. I'm holding you to that."

"Love you too."

"Anyway, about Tae and Robaire."

Z sighs.

"Don't sigh at me like that! I'm just kinda worried."


"I know you saw Tae and Justin earlier. They're getting closer and he hasn't even talked to Robaire."

"Well, that's their problem."


Z yawns.

"I mean, we can talk about it in the morning. I'm tired."

"Well, technically, it is the morning."


T sighs in slight frustration.

"But... Okay."

"You know I'd love to listen to you, baby. But it's like, two AM."

"Just one thing?"


"Do you think they'll actually get back together or not?"

"Yeah, probably."

"Hm. I hope you're right."

In the morning, Jesse and Tae Young leave early to pick up Beck's engagement ring. Tae's been in a good mood for the entire day, and Jesse feels proud of himself for taking his mind off of the whole Robaire situation.

"Jesse, how much did you spend on this?"

Tae gasps once Jesse finally shows him the ring. Jesse shrugs.

"Let's just say it wasn't cheap. I've had a lot of extra money since I sold that helicopter."

"Oh. I always forget you had that."

"We haven't been using it much anyway."

"...So the wedding's gonna be extra big then!"

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