Never Gone 2

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"So... None of us like him, right?"

T asks as soon as the door closes. Everyone instantly agrees.

"What are we gonna do about all that stuff going around? Cleary Ryan isn't gonna be any help."

Jesse says, taking the magazine from T.

"I don't know. Change our names, move back to Canada-"

"T, read the room."

"Right, sorry- I'm sorry."

Z puts his arm around his boyfriend's shoulders and pulls him in, calming them both down. Jesse is reading the magazine with a twisted face.

"This is sick. Whoever's behind this must really hate us."

"What does it say about you?"

"Oh, you know... I got a nose job, stuff like that- the usual. It's not too bad. They- There's some stuff about Beck in here..."

Jesse shakes his head and closes the magazine and tosses it onto the table. He looks over at Tae Young, who's head is down.


He looks up, and Jesse sees the tears welling in his eyes. He quickly goes over to him.

"Hey... It's gonna be okay. You know none of that is true, we know it, and anyone who's ever spent even a minute with you would know that. Don't let any of this get to you."

"Yeah, we're always on your side."

Robaire chimes in, taking Tae Young's hand.

"And as soon as we find out who did this, we're gonna teach them a lesson! Right, Z?"

"For sure."

Tae finally smiles at all his friends.

"Thanks, guys. I just hope this is all over soon..."

"Hey, did anyone read what it said about Z?"

T goes to take the magazine again, but Z grabs it before him.

"I'm pretending to be gay for attention. That's fun."


Z rolls his eyes at what T just said.

"Well, we should probably start actually thinking about how we're gonna handle this."

Jesse says.

"I mean, we should probably call management, but-"

"Yeah. Don't think that's the best idea right now."

Robaire sighs before speaking again.

"Then I don't know what- hold on, someone's calling me... Hello?"

He puts the phone on speaker once he hears who it is. Ryan.

"Hi, guys. Sorry about earlier."

"Great apology."

Robaire says sarcastically.

"I was looking at things from a business standpoint and didn't think about your feelings at all. It was wrong of me. I still want to help you guys."

"Apology not accepted."

Usually, now would be the moment where Jesse shushes T- but everyone is agreeing with him.

"I thought you'd react like that. You don't have to accept, just let me help you guys get this sorted. It's my job."

"Fine. What are you gonna do?"

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