A Night to Remember 3

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Two weeks and five days have passed. Everything's in place; Jesse mixed the song perfectly in a brand new style, Z's made sure the dance routine is unique, T planned a pyrotechnic display, Robaire spent hours working out their 'grand entrance', and Tae's outfit designs are sure to catch everyone's eyes.

When they show Raya all the stuff that they planned, she's just as excited as they are to bring the performance to life.

"I'm shocked, guys! This is gonna be perfect!"

She says happily, driving the boys to the place where the show will be held. They're finally going to set up all their stuff on the actual stage.

They all chatter excitedly, discussing the show the entire ride there.

Inside, Raya speaks to a pair of well-dressed men. She tells them about their performance ideas, showing them photos on a tablet of the outfits and other things.

"And for the song, Jesse here created a whole new version of it! What do you think so far?"

The men both have sour looks on their faces, putting the band in a state of anxiety.

"Hm... I'm not seeing the vision. Why do you want to change the show? I quite enjoyed what you already had."

"We just thought we'd change it up. It's the Grammys!"

"Exactly. And that's why you won't be doing any of this."


Robaire chimes in.

"I'm sorry, but we can't let you do such a performance. And the outfits... All of this is just not your usual style. People want 4*Town, not this."

"Sir, you don't understand, they've worked so hard for all of this-"

"Raya, please. Don't make this difficult. You all will put on the show that we've prepared, or you won't perform at all."

The band is completely deflated, looking at eachother with disbelief.

As they leave, Raya's head hangs low. Her usual bright demeanor is faded, her bangs falling over her face. They drive back to the house in silence.

"I'm sorry, guys."

Raya flops onto a couch, hiding her face in her hands. Jesse goes to her side, rubbing her back in an attempt to comfort her.

"Hey, it's okay. It's not your fault."

"Yeah, those old guys shouldn't be the ones deciding what we do. They ruined everything! Man, I hate old people. No offense, Jesse."

T says angrily.

Tae Young is trying to stop himself from crying, his face is red, his lips forming a pout. He breathes in heavily, shaking a bit when he exhales. Z notices, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"It's okay if you wanna cry, Tae. We'll do something about this."

Tae cries quietly onto Z's shirt. Z pats his on the back, consoling him.

Robaire's already gone to his room, where muffled shouting and thudding can be heard.

"We are doing our show. The one that we worked on for the past three weeks."

T speaks up suddenly, wearing a look of determination.

"You heard what they said. If we don't do what they want, they'll cancel the performance altogether."

"So that's why we're not gonna tell them. Think about it... We could just say that we agree with them, pretend we're gonna do theirs, then actually do our own instead! It'd be so epic."

"You think that would work?"

"Only one way to know. What do you guys say?"

Raya looks up.

"T, that's genius! A total power move, the media would be talking about it for weeks! Oh, that's the smartest thing you've ever said!"

"Uh... Thanks?"

She stands, squeezing T in a hug. Tae Young wipes his face with his hand, smiling again.

"That's a good idea, actually."

"We've worked too hard on this just to have it be taken away. But how are we gonna pull it off?"

Z asks, removing his arm from Tae.

"I have a plan."

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