Charm 4

505 19 7

final part

Robaire takes a deep breath in before walking into the living room. Tae sits in between T and Z, resting his head on Z's shoulder as T holds his hand. They all look up when Robaire enters.

Z looks extremely angry, his eyes narrow and his eyebrows pointed downwards. T's mad as well, wearing a similar expression to Z's. Tae just looks sad, which Robaire expected- but wasn't ready to see. The two make eye contact briefly, before Tae looks back down with tears in his eyes.

"I need to speak with Tae."

Robaire says, uncharacteristically timid. T and Z both look at Tae, who just shrugs.

"He doesn't wanna talk to you! Go talk to that other person you have!"

T says, speaking for Tae. Robaire feels embarrassed, scratching the back of his head.

"I don't have a... I just want to apologize, please."

"It's okay, guys. I- I can talk to him..."

They hesitantly let Tae up, watching him the entire time while he's leaving. Robaire leads him outside to the backyard, away from anyone who would listen.

When they're alone, they both look around awkwardly before Robaire breaks the silence.

"I'm sorry."

He says, looking at Tae, who doesn't return the eye contact.

"I never meant to make you feel like that, I hate seeing you cry."

Robaire reaches out to touch Tae, but he moves away from him. Robaire sighs.

"About what I said earlier, on the phone... I was just talking to a friend. I don't have another person I'm seeing."

Tae glances up, questioning.

"But... you said you did. Don't lie to me..."

"No! I mean- I did say that."

Tae looks away, frowning.

"But I was talking about you. My friend was trying to set me up with someone, and I told them that I was already seeing you."

"R- really?"

"Yeah. I would never do that to you, Tae."

Tae's frown disappears, he almost smiles.

"Oh... Well I'm sorry for making a scene."

"Don't be. I'm the one apologizing here. I've been trying to get you to like me like I like you, but..."

Tae laughs at Robaire's word choice- and the fact that he's been trying to do the exact same thing that Tae's been trying to do the entire time.

"But I didn't know how. Honestly, I still don't. I was trying to use all my usual tricks, ones that would work for anyone else. But they never work on you."

Robaire chuckles, his eyes finally meeting Tae's. They both blush, looking away again within a second.

"So, I think we should try this again."

"Yeah. I was only going to your room because I wanted to... ask you... to go on a walk... with me."

Tae says nervously, still blushing. Robaire grins, thinking that Tae is the most adorable boy he's ever seen. He feels so bad for making him cry, he only ever wants to see him smile.

"I'd love to."

Robaire holds his arm out, and Tae takes it with a laugh. They walk together, enjoying the peace, quiet, and company.

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