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a/n: thankfully i do know quite a bit of spanish lol. i'll put the translations in the comments for y'all

"Okay, mami. Okay. I'll see you soon."

"Te quiero!"

"Tú también. Adios, mamá."

T ends the call with his mom, throwing random clothes into a suitcase.

"Oh Z, I haven't seen my family in forever! This is so exciting!"

Z sits on the edge of T's bed, his bags having already been packed hours ago. T's mother has invited him home to visit for the first time in almost two years, and his excitement shows in every little thing he does.

"I haven't seen them since... I don't even know. Think they'll remember me?"

"Of course they will!"

T says as if it's the most obvious thing ever, struggling to zip up his overpacked suitcase.

"My little sister has been obsessed with 4*Town lately. There's no way she's not already freaking out about you coming over."

"Oh god."

"Don't worry, she's completely harmless. My other sister's the real- ugh! I can't get this stupid thing to close-"

"T, you don't need all that stuff. We're only staying for a week."

He gestures at the suitcase, which is fairly large, but that didn't stop T from stuffing it so much that the zipper couldn't even get halfway across.

"Uh, yes I do! Look, I only packed ten outfits, two pillows, you know, for the plane, some blankets, my laptop, Robaire's laptop,"

T continues listing the stuff that he packed, and Z rolls his eyes at him.

"Like I said, you don't need all that. And why do you have Robaire's laptop?'

"His is so much better than mine!" 

"They're the same."


"T, let's just take some of this stuff out. We don't wanna be late for our flight."

On the plane, Z sits near the window. T's already told him five stories about his childhood within the half hour that they've been flying. While Z does love to listen to him, he's starting to get annoyed by his boyfriend's fast talking.

"And my sister Ana, she had this boyfriend named Carlos, not the same Carlos from the story about the haunted church by the way! Anyways, he never really liked me cause I got the role of Peter Pan instead of him in the ninth grade, but honestly I deserved it! I mean, he can't even sing,"

Z tries to keep listening, but his eyelids are getting too heavy for him to keep open.

"Ana has this really weird dog that- are you listening?"

T looks at Z, who's fast asleep, his head leaning against the back of his seat.


T finally stops talking, going to play a game on his laptop instead. The flight from LA to Columbia is only 4 hours, but to T it feels like 40.

"Z, I'm so bored. We've been on this plane forever!"

T says dramatically, putting his head on Z's shoulder.

"It's only been two hours."

"Too many."

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Let's play a game! Truth or dare?"

"This is never a good idea."


"Fine, truth."

T looks around, thinking of a question to ask.

"I already know like, everything about you, babe. Pick dare!"


"I dare you to take that guy's sandwich."

T points to someone an aisle across from them, a plastic wrapped sandwich sitting on the fold-out desk.

"Really? What kinda dare is that?"

"I want the sandwich."

Z rolls his eyes, standing up. T watches him walk down the aisle, past the guy with the sandwich. Then, someone else gets up just as Z is in front of him again, and they bump into eachother.

"Sorry, ma'am!"

"Oh, excuse me..."

Z sits back down next to T.

"What was that? You didn't even- Oh!"

Z shows him the sandwich in his hand, revealing it smugly.

"You were saying?"

"Huh. Well played."

Two hours later, T and Z are waiting at the airport for T's sister Victoria to pick them up. T is bouncing with every step he takes, telling Z random little details about his family.

"Oh! That's her! Tori, over here!"

T shouts, waving at his sister.

"Ay, hermanito!"

They run at eachother, Victoria picking up her little brother and spinning him in a hug. Victoria is about the same height as T, her dark hair straightened and falling down her back. She has the same complexion as her brother, except her face is clear of freckles.

"Ha sido tan largo-"

Victoria notices Z, who smiles and nods at her in greeting.

"Es este tu novio?"


"Nice to meet you! Me llam- er, I'm Victoria. Lo siento, my English is a bit rusty."

She shakes hands with Z.

"It's alright."

"Okay, vamos! I can't wait to get home!"

T enthusiastically ushers Z and Tori to the car, talking during the entire drive to the house.

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