A Night to Remember 5

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final part

On the roof, a stagehand helps all of the band into harnesses. They have on their headsets, just waiting for their cue to drop down. On stage, the band they hired is already done setting up their equipment. Everything is in place.

Suddenly, all the lights go out. The guitarist strums a single chord, the sound ringing out through the arena.

"I've never met nobody..."

Robaire starts singing, looking down through the hole in the ceiling. He can't see anyone's reactions from this far, but he's hoping they're intrigued.

The band is slowly lowered down, spotlights shining on each of them. The moment their feet touch the stage, flames erupt from the floor.

"I've never met nobody,"

"Like you!"

They all sing, standing in a line on the stage. Looking out at their audience, they see all gasps and smiles, and a certain well-dressed man gaping up at them.

"Had friends and I've had buddies,"

"It's true!"

They perform a complicated routine, Z grinning the whole time. The crowd is loving it, never ceasing their uproar throughout the entire song.

"Let's call it what it is, it's a masterpiece."

Z raps, dancing close to T. Neither of them pay mind to the puzzled glares, they just continue to dance suggestively, only looking at one another.

"If you want mad skills, you can share with us."

"I want!"

Robaire walks to the very front of the stage, being lifted up on a platform.

"Everybody to stop and stare, and you know, why, it's me,"


As the rest of the band sings Robaire's name, the lights go out again, a single spotlight lingering on him before turning off as well.

In the dark, the band quickly runs off stage, going to different rows of seating. On cue, the lights turn back on, revealing the boys dancing down the aisles. The seated guests gasp, singing and clapping along. Tae Young even walks past Avril Lavigne, giving her a high five.

When they arrive back on the stage to end the song, they arrange in a circle, their backs facing each other. The center of the stage spins, allowing the cameras to capture them at every angle.

"I'll never not be your ride or die, alright!"

They finish, throwing their hands in the air, with fire shooting up all around them. The audience gives a standing ovation, their applause thundering throughout the entire arena.

The band stays on the stage for a few moments, looking at eachother with the purest happiness. T and Z share a celebratory kiss, not even caring about the thousands of people watching.

"And there you have it, everyone! That was 4*Town, wrapping up the 45th annual Grammy awards! What a performance!"

The stage is emptied, so are most of the seats as the guests start to trickle out.

"You guys, that was the best show we've ever done!"

Robaire says, slinging an arm around Tae's shoulder.

Just then, the man from before storms up to them.

"What was that? You all acted like some unhinged rock and rollers-"

"Ah, I never caught your name. What was it? John? Barney?"


"I'm gonna call you Barney. Look man, just to put it simply: We don't care."

Jesse laughs in "Barney"'s face, high-fiving Robaire.

"But- You can't-"

He sputters on, fuming as the band walks away from him. Back outside, the photographers and reporters are waiting.

"You guys were incredible!"

"Are the Aarons gay?"

"Who designed your outfits?"

The boys answer many questions and pose for pictures, still pumped with adrenaline. When their limo pulls up, they bid all the paparazzi farewell.

"Guys, I can't believe you pulled that off!"

Raya exclaims as soon as the car's doors are closed.

"I know, right?"

"I'm gonna need to sleep for the next 24 hours."

Jesse laughs, leaning his head against a window.

"Guys, think about this for a second. We just broke all of the 'big guy''s rules. I can't even... describe how good that felt. We're unstoppable!"

Robaire speaks, getting cheers from everyone else. They celebrate with champagne, Jesse even letting Tae Young have a bit- just because it's such a special occasion. As they drive home, they share stories, joking and laughing together. This really was a night to remember.

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