☆ Melatonin

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T and Z have gone to bed separately on this night, sleeping in their own rooms. T was asleep for a while, surprised to wake up alone in the middle of the night. He just lies in bed, trying to get himself to fall asleep again. Nothing seems to work though; he doesn't feel right not having the strong arms of his lover wrapped around him.

So he gets up, drowsily making his way to Z's room, seeing him sleeping soundly. T crawls into the blankets, squeezing himself under Z's arm. He presses his face into Z's bare chest and closes his eyes.

Z's eyes flutter open, and he looks down at T who's already made himself comfortable.

"Hey baby..."

He says quietly, his voice a bit rough. T responds without looking up.

"I couldn't sleep without you."

"Sorry. Didn't wanna wake you up."

"Mmm. Gimme a kiss."

T cranes his head up, slightly puckering his lips at Z. Silently, Z laughs before kissing him. It's brief, but still filled with an unmistakeable sweetness. T goes back to cuddling into Z's chest, a soft smile on his lips.

"You're so warm, Z."

T mumbles against Z's skin.

"Go to sleep, love."

"I am."

Z kisses the top of T's head, tightening his arms around him. Even though he went to bed alone as to not disturb T in his sleep, he does feel more at peace with him here. T is already drifting off again, finally able to sleep now that he's wrapped in his lover's embrace.

"I love you."

"I love you too. So much, T."

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