Chateau 3

203 7 15

Shortly after the band arrives to their interview, T's sleepiness has worn off, and he's back to his usual, talkative self. Although everything else is going smoothly, Robaire and Jesse are still ignoring each other.

"Z, do you know why Jesse and Robaire are acting like that?"

T asks.

"I didn't notice anything different."

"You think something happened with Tae again? He hasn't told me anything."


When the interview actually starts, the whole band is lively again. Nothing really significant happens, other than Jesse revealing his engagement. After the interview ends, the guys are taken home to rest for a few hours, then finally to a meeting with management.

"Alright, if I fall asleep, mind your owm business."

T says, leaning back in his chair. Z sits next to him, putting his hand on T's armrest. Jesse sits across from them, and now they're just waiting on Tae Young and Robaire.

They soon walk in together, and Robaire is visibly in a better mood than he was that morning. Jesse watches them with narrowed eyes as they enter the room.

"Sorry for the wait."

Robaire says, before he and Tae take their seats. Tae sits next to T, and Robaire by Jesse. As the meeting starts, Tae and Robaire try their hardest to keep their eyes off of each other- but they're doing a pretty bad job at it.

"...And we were thinking about televising the wedding. Would that be okay with you, Jesse?"

Jesse almost misses the question from an executive; he's too busy trying to figure out what's going on with Tae and Robaire.

"I'm sorry- could you repeat that?"

"I said, would you be okay with your wedding being televised?"

Jesse takes a few moments before responding.

"Uh, well... I'm fine with it, but Beck is a pretty private person. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable."

Jesse says.

"It's not like we're going to put her on stage or anything, we just want to film the ceremony and maybe do a short interview afterwards. It would be good for your image, and it would be great publicity for the band."

He clarifies.

"I don't know, I'll have to talk to Beck about it."

Jesse sighs.

"Well, let us know what she says. We're flexible, we can work around whatever you two are comfortable with."

Jesse knows that he won't be changing his mind, but he doesn't want to discuss it any further.

"I'll think about it."

When they get home after the meeting, Tae starts to follow Robaire to his room, thinking no one is looking. T comes up behind him.

"Hey Tae!"

Tae quickly spins around, putting on a wide smile.

"Uh, hi!"

"What's going on with you and Robaire?"


"Why are you going to his room? And why did you two come into the meeting together all weird?"

Tae's fake smile shifts into a softer one, and he laughs a bit.

"Ha, um- let's talk about this somewhere else and not in the middle of the hallway."

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