Charm 2

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Out of all the people that Robaire has tried to get with, Tae Young is easily the most difficult. Normally, Robaire could just give a smile and a wink and have someone wrapped around their finger. He didn't even have to think about it, his charm just came naturally.

Over the past few days, Robaire's been trying to figure out why this is so hard. He's never had to plan so much when it came to this kind of thing. With Tae, he has to try countless times just to even get any of his hints across. Tae's innocence is adorable, but it's becoming an inconvenience to Robaire.

Now, for Tae... He's always been crushing on Robaire. Ever since their eyes first met. Tae has had his share of crushes, but never someone as close to him as Robaire. He doesn't know exactly what to do about it, so he finds himself going to T for help often. Of course, T gives him ideas, but they're usually things that would work for him and Z. Although Tae does appreciate the help, Robaire and Z are two very different people.

So, when there's nothing else for Tae to do, he just waits. He waits for Robaire to get close to him and whisper in his ear what he's been feeling all along- but he doesn't. Why's that? Tae just believes it to be the fact that Robaire doesn't actually feel the same kind of love for him that Tae does. After all, Robaire's always been forward with his crushes- if he really did like Tae, what's stopping him from just letting him know?

What neither of them realize is that they're both incredibly enamored with the other. They both get the same fluttery feeling in their stomach when they come near, they both want more than anything just to be together.

Tae Young and T are hanging out in Tae's room again, this time joined by Z. T sits in his lap, reading a magazine. Tae is writing in his diary.

"Look, Tae! 'What 4*Town member is your soulmate?'"

T snickers, placing the magazine on the floor between them.

"Ooh! Hope I get my crush, hehe!"

Tae giggles, turning the magazine towards him and starting the quiz.

"Shh! Z doesn't know!"

T says. Z raises his eyebrows, amused.

"You guys think I don't know?"

"I haven't told you..."

Tae looks up.

"Well, let's see. T is your best friend, and he's with me... and Jesse is basically like, your dad, so..."

Tae's face turns pink and he looks back down. Z laughs.

"That just leaves Robaire. Plus, we all see how you look at him."

"Sh- shut up!"

"And you've been drawing him in your diary for the last twenty minutes."

Tae quickly shuts his diary, which indeed does have a drawing of Robaire complete with little hearts.

"You won't tell him?"

"'Course not. But that is usually how you get someone to date you."

"It's not that easy..."

Tae says with a sigh. Z nods in understanding.

"Who'd you get on the quiz, Tae?"

Tae smiles again, looking at T.

"No one..."

"It's Robaire! I knew it, hehe!"

Z rolls his eyes at the younger two's childish antics, grinning only slightly.

Later that day, Tae Young wakes up from a nap, alone in his room. He rolls over to check the time, seeing that it's only 5:30. He decides to go on a walk- not before going to tell Jesse first.

Tae finds Jesse in the backyard, sitting with sunglasses on, talking on the phone.

"Hold on, just a second."

He presses a button, muting himself and turning to Tae.

"You need something?"

"I was just gonna tell you that I'm going on a walk."

"Okay. Take someone with you. Be careful, please."

Jesse says, going back to his conversation. Tae goes inside, looking for someone to accompany him on his walk. He finds T and Z cuddling on the couch, sharing a pair of earphones as they listen to music. Tae doesn't want to disturb them, so he heads to Robaire's room.

On the way there, Tae grows more excited with every step. He starts to feel the butterflies flutter around inside him at the thought of he and Robaire going out together. He thinks of watching the sunset with him, holding his hand, maybe even getting a kiss, if he's lucky.

Tae smiles, why didn't he think of it before? It'll be perfect: just him, Robaire, and the setting sun.

How romantic! Okay, stay calm. Be cool, Tae.

Tae calms himself, walking towards Robaire's room. He stops in front of the closed door, hearing his voice from inside.

"No! I told you, I'm not into him! I've already got someone else. He doesn't even matter to me anymore."

Tae freezes, the smile dropping from his face. He feels tears form in his eyes instantly, and he doesn't even move to wipe them away.

Who's he talking to? I don't matter to him?

Thoughts start to race in Tae's head and his stomach turns. The butterflies are replaced with daggers, stabbing him again and again. Tae cries even harder, his vision completely blurred. Then, he runs.

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