Back To Your Heart 3

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a/n: i apologize.

Tae Young goes back to his empty room, silently fuming. He locks the door behind him and pulls out his phone. He's acting out of pure impulse when he dials a number; having no one else to turn to, and really just feeling mad at Robaire more than anything.

"Hey, Tae!"

Justin answers the phone almost instantly. Tae Young takes a deep breath before he speaks.


"Are you doing okay?"

"Well, I finally talked to Robaire."


"And I think we're over. For real now."

"Oh. Uh, what happened?"

On the other end, Justin smiles. He keeps his tone sincere despite this.

"We just got into an argument. Again. That's all that ever happens between us anymore..."

"I'm sorry. At least you tried."

Tae doesn't say anything, so Justin takes the opportunity and keeps talking.

"Uh, is that the only thing?"

"I guess. I just didn't know who else to talk to, so..."

"Do you wanna come over later? So we can, uh... So we can talk? In person?"

"Oh. Um... I guess so?"

"Is it cool if I pick you up tomorrow?"


"Sweet! I can't wait to see you again."

The next day, Tae Young is getting ready to see Justin when he hears a knock on his bedroom door.

"Come in!"


"Hi Jesse!"

Jesse greets Tae Young with a smile, nodding at his outfit.

"You look nice. Are you going somewhere?"

Tae looks away, laughing a bit nervously.

"Uh, yeah."

"That's cool. I just came in here to remind you that we do have an interview at eight."

"Oh, right! I forgot about that. Thanks."

"No need. Where are you going anyway?"

"Just, uh... To see a friend."

Jesse raises an eyebrow at Tae.


"Um... Justin."

Tae Young says quietly, almost unintelligible- yet Jesse still hears him.



"Justin Timberlake?"


Jesse looks at him strangely, then nods.

"...Okay. Uh, what's up with that? Are you two..."

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