Second Wind 3

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As the night goes on, Tae Young finds himself finally separated from Justin and by Robaire's side again, walking hand in hand with him through the party.

"Are you doing okay?"

Robaire asks, taking a moment to look down at Tae.

"Yeah. I mean, now I am. Justin was kinda..."

"Did you tell him yet?"

Tae sighs.

"I think he already knows. But he doesn't care. Whenever I try to talk about it, he just brushes it off."

Robaire shakes his head, narrowing his eyes in anger.

"Oh... Well, you don't have to do that anymore. I'll take care of it."


"Next time we go on stage. If I announce that you and I are together in front of everyone, it'll make him look bad if he tries anything again."

Robaire says. Tae nods his head slowly in agreement.

"Okay... If you think that'll work."

"I hope it will. If not, I swear I'll do everything in my power to keep him away from you this time."

Tae smiles, a light blush appearing on his face.

"That means so much to me. I feel like I can't apologize enough for-"

"Hey, you don't have to. We're past that, okay? It's just us again."

Robaire says softly, squeezing Tae's hand. Tae's smile is stuck on his face, and he gives a content sigh.

"Okay. Where are we going now?"

Tae asks, noticing Robaire leading him toward a tall staircase.

"You'll see. You're gonna love it."

Robaire says, continuing to lead Tae up and away.

Nearby, T and Holly are arm in arm, T still on the lookout.

"Is there anything in particular you're looking for? You have a type?"

T asks, looking over at Holly. She shrugs.

"Not really. I'm kinda curious about who you're gonna introduce me to though."

"Hm. You're really trusting me that much?"

"What, should I not?"

T laughs.

"Uh, of course you should. Come on, I see some of my friends over there."

T and Holly walk over to a table, where Nick, Brian, JC, and Raya are all hanging out. Nick is the first to look up and smile.

"Hey, man! Why didn't you tell me you has such fine lady friends?"

Nick says, smiling at Holly. She smiles back, playfully rolling her eyes.


"Guys, this is my friend Holly. Holly, this is- I mean, I'm sure you already know who these guys are, it's kinda hard not to. But this is Raya."

As T introduces them, Holly's gaze lingers on Raya for a few moments longer than usual. T notices, and fights back a gasp. He smiles, subtly widening his eyes at JC.

"Hi, Holly. Nice to meet you."

"You too! I think, um... You look really familiar."

Holly says, slightly shyly. Raya smiles at her.

"Well, being 4*Town's manager means being caught on camera from time to time. You probably saw me in... a picture... Or something."

As Raya trails off, T quickly cuts in to prevent the impending awkwardness.

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