What Happens on the Backstreet 2

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there's a labeled picture up there for all you non bsb stans.

Jesse starts again towards Beck and... whoever that is sitting next to her on the bench. He clears his throat, now standing behind them.



Beck turns around. The man does as well, removing his arm from her shoulders.



Beck gets up to hug Jesse, pulling him down to sit next to her on the bench.

"Uh... Why is he here?"

"I'm here to apologize to you, Jesse."

Jesse is confused now more than ever. Nick sighs,

"I know that you and Beck have been a thing for like... forever, and I'm sorry that I was trying to get in the way of that. You have every reason to be mad at me."

"Huh. That's it?"

Jesse looks at Beck.

"That's all you invited me here for?"

Beck shakes her head.

"Of course not! I really did want to see you. I just knew that if I told you Nick would be here, you wouldn't wanna come."

"True. But still, why was he all over you like-"

Nick stands up with a smile.

"Well, I'm gonna go. Looks like you two have some stuff to work out. See ya!"

Jesse doesn't say anything to Nick, just keeping his eyes on the girl in front of him.

"I still don't like him. And I don't like how he was touching you."

Beck rolls her eyes.

"Jess, we're friends. He wasn't doing anything."

Jesse huffs and looks away, his arms crossed. Beck puts a hand on the side of his face, turning him back to look at her.

"Hey. Jesse. You don't need to worry about him, I swear. I really do want to make it work with you."

"I... me too."

They kiss briefly, and Beck stands up, taking Jesse's hand. As they walk through the park, they try their best to ignore the paparazzi that are already not-so-subtly following them around. Jesse's still not feeling great about the whole Nick situation, and it doesn't go unnoticed by Beck.

"Are you still mad about Nick?"

She says suddenly. Jesse hesitates before responding.

"I- kind of. It's fine, though."

"Jesse, no it's not. Tell me."

Jesse sighs.

"I just feel like I'm overreacting. Really, just don't worry about it."

Beck stops walking in the middle of the path.


She takes both of his hands and looks up at him.

"Okay, fine. I'm mad. I don't like him, I didn't like his 'apology' and I don't like you two being friends. Happy?"

"Well then. I think you'd like him if you would just get to know him. He's a sweet guy."

Jesse looks at Beck with a straight face.

"Yeah, no."

"You hate him for no reason."

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