Never Gone

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(continuation of reprisal)

The next afternoon, the guys are all ready to go and are waiting for their 'manager' Ryan to get to the house. Robaire and Tae Young are on the couch, while Jesse sits at the kitchen counter, talking with Beck on the phone.

Ryan arrives a little while early, and through the window, Jesse watches him walk up to the door.

"I gotta go, I'll call you back. Love you."

Jesse hangs up and goes to the door, opening it for Ryan.

"Hi! Are we all ready to go?"

Ryan stands on the doorstep, smiling and holding a clipboard in his hands.

"We should be..."

Jesse looks back into the house, realizing that T and Z are still upstairs.

"Uh, give me a minute. Please, come inside."

Ryan hesitantly enters the house, looking around at everything, not noticing Tae Young and Robaire a few feet away. Jesse heads upstairs and knocks on Z's door.

"Guys, we have to go."

"We're busy."

Z says.

"With wha-"

Jesse starts, but quickly realizes what's occupying them.

"Oh. Well, um... Okay..."

He sighs and goes back downstairs, seeing Ryan still standing in the same place.

"They're probably gonna be a while. Just don't go up there."

"Well, we are slightly ahead of schedule, so this shouldn't be a problem."

"Uh, good."

Jesse nods, biting his bottom lip and looking around sort of awkwardly. Ryan is just standing there, looking a bit uncomfortable.

From the couch, Robaire and Tae Young are watching the interaction.

"Something is a little off about that guy, don't you think?"

"Jesse? Oh yeah, I've been saying that since '98."

Robaire jokes, and Tae rolls his eyes.

"No, Ryan. He's weird, right?"

"A little. But that's probably because we're not used to him yet."

Tae gives a quiet 'hm' before resting his head on Robaire's shoulder.

Finally, T and Z come downstairs. T has a smile on his face, and greets everyone happily.

"Someone's in a good mood."

Robaire laughs.

"I had a great morning, that's all."

T says, holding onto Z's arm as they walk towards the door. He notices Ryan standing there, and gives him a small nod.

Ryan takes them to the interview in a brand new blue limousine; which Robaire definitely made sure to compliment a few times. T's bright mood is slowly wearing off- the more time he spends with this new guy, the more he remembers what happened that night.


After the interviewer announces a commercial break, T heads straight for the dressing rooms. He finds Tae Young already inside, leaning against the wall, looking at something on his phone.

"Hi, T!"


"Are you okay?"

Tae asks, putting his phone into his pocket. T sighs.

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