☆Road Trip 2

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Three stops and several listens to various Disney movie soundtracks later, T is getting bored.

"Guys, I'm so bored. This road trip stinks, Jesse."

Jesse looks at T in the mirror for a second.

"Go to sleep."

"That's even more boring!"

Jesse shrugs, paying little attention to him.

"Where are we going, anyway? You didn't even tell us where."

Jesse doesn't respond, so T looks around at the others.

"Z? You don't wanna know where we're going?"

"I do know."

T gasps.

"Me too."

"Me three!"

Robaire and Tae both add. T makes a noise of disbelief.

"Seriously? Jesse, you told everyone else and forgot me?"

"I didn't forget."

Jesse says, Tae and Robaire laughing to themselves.


"It's uh, a surprise."

Jesse continues, earning a frown from T. He crosses his arms, pouting.

Minutes later, T leans close to Tae, who's sitting in the passenger seat.

"Tae, tell me where we're going!"

He whispers.

"I can't! Jesse said not to tell you."

"I'll give you two Snickers."

Tae thinks about it for about three seconds, before nodding.

"Candy first."

T sits back and looks at Robaire, who's playing Pokémon on his Gameboy. He tries to reach into the bag at his feet, but Robaire looks at him.

"What are you doing...?"

T pulls his hand away from the bag, looking out of the window.

"Robaire, look! A billboard with your face!"

Robaire's head turns quickly, and T takes the opportunity to snatch the Snickers bars from his bag and stuff them into his pocket.

He taps Tae on the shoulder, who was also searching for the billboard with Robaire's face on it.

"T, I didn't see the boar- Oh! Thank you!"

"Shh! Here."

T drops the candy into Tae's lap.

"So, tell me!"

"Alright, but it's not really that interesting. Jesse said we're just gonna go to some fancy hotel for a day and then go back home..."


Jesse, who is overhearing everything, laughs.

"What are you laughing at, Jesse?"

T asks.

"Tae, you weren't supposed to tell him, you know."

"I'm sorry! He gave me candy, see?"

Tae holds up the two bars for Jesse to see.


"Yeah, yeah. But why would you make us all go on this long road trip just to go to some hotel? We have plenty of those near home..."

Jesse laughs again, now joined by Robaire.

"Who told you that?"

Robaire says. T rolls his eyes.

"Tae did."

"Well, I didn't tell him where we were going either."

Tae gasps at Jesse's confession.

"You didn't? But-"

"I just had to say something. The puppy eyes really got me."

"So where are we actually going?"

T asks again. Jesse shakes his head.

"Not telling."

Frustrated, both T and Tae shut their mouths.

"T, what candy did you give Tae? I had some in my bag and I can't-"

Robaire looks to the front seat, seeing Tae munching on his candy bar.

"Hey, I didn't see your name on it."

T says sassily, and Robaire huffs.

"Z, I'm about to kill your boyfriend."

Z looks up, pulling out one of his earphones and narrowing his eyes.

Robaire launches himself at T, the two wrestling around for a bit before hearing a shout from Jesse.


They freeze.

"Stop that! And put your seatbelts on."

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