☆ Cuffed

445 11 29

Jesse wakes up some time in the afternoon. Before he even opens his eyes though, he notices, something is... Off. He's sitting up, a bowl of popcorn on his lap... Right, he fell asleep on the couch, while he was forcing Robaire to have a Star Wars movie marathon with him.

Speaking of Robaire, Jesse looks to his side and sees him asleep. As Jesse stands up, he feels something pull at his wrist. He looks down to see shiny metal handcuffs linking his and Robaire's hands together. Great.


No response. Jesse sighs and jerks his hand up, moving Robaire's entire arm with it.

"Ro, get up."

Robaire opens his eyes, and immediately looks confused.

"What? Dude, stop holding my hand, what are you-"

He cuts himself off, seeing how Jesse isn't holding his hand like he thought, but is cuffed to him. Robaire groans.

"What the hell, Jesse?"

"You think I did this? Use your brain for a second, man. Obviously this was-"

"T? Oh god, these are his? I'm gonna kill him."

Robaire stands, beginning to storm toward T's room. He stops when Jesse starts to trip after him.


"It's alright. Let's just find T so he can get us outta these."

They walk together down the hall, both of them feeling kind of awkward. When they get to T's room, Robaire bangs on the door. T opens it just a second after, as if he was just waiting for them.

"Alright, we know you did this. Give me the key now."

Robaire says, clearly annoyed. T just laughs.

"Oh, man! Look at you guys, haha!"

Jesse and Robaire both look unamused as T snaps a few pictures of them with his phone.

"T, come on."

"What, you have to admit this is pretty funny!"

"Maybe I'll remember to laugh in a few days. I'm gonna kill you right now if you don't give me the key."

Robaire holds his hand out, and T rolls his eyes.

"Alright, fine."

T pats down his pockets, seeming to realize something.

"Heh, so the funniest thing just happened..."

"You don't have the key, do you?"

Jesse sighs, and T smiles. Robaire groans again.

"T, you better find that f*cking key. If I have to spend another minute wearing these, which- who knows where these have been-"

"Relax! We haven't even used those. I mean, Z and I have a whole lot and that was just an extra-"

"Guys, we don't have time for this. We have an interview today, and we need to leave in less than an hour."

T nods.

"Yeah, I'll find it. But- oh, look at the time!"

T looks at his wrist, which is clearly missing a watch.

"We don't have much time, and I should be getting ready, see you guys!"

He closes the door, locking it before Robaire can try to open it again.


Robaire kicks the door, and T laughs on the other side. Jesse rolls his eyes.

"As much as I hate to admit, T's actually right. We should get ready."

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