Parents 2

841 20 7

"Don't worry Jesse, I can multitask. I'm bisexual in the hands."

T says casually, chopping vegetables with one hand and beginning to stir the pot on the stove with the other. Jesse looks at him, bewildered.

"You're... what?"

"My hands... are bisexual."

Jesse almost face palms, stopping when he remembers his hands are wet with soap and water.

"What? Do you- do you mean ambidextrous?"

"Oh, same thing."

"That's not-"

"Is the food ready yet? I'm starving!"

Tae Young exclaims dramatically, throwing his head back. Jesse sighs tiredly, looking at him.

"No. It would be sooner if you would have helped."

Jesse says, still washing dishes. Tae scoffs and sits down on one of the stools in the kitchen.

Z stands from the couch, leaving Robaire. He enters the kitchen, smiling only a little when he sees T. Z stands behind him, taking the knife from him and setting it down with one hand, his other on his hip.

"Hello to you too, Z."

T says, blushing as Z kisses the side of his neck.

"Oh, guys, that's gross, I'm right here. Tae is right here."

Jesse groans.

Z kisses T once more, leaving him with a slap on his butt. Tae makes gagging sounds, and Z sticks his tongue out, flipping him off.

"Aaron, do not-"

Jesse starts to scold Z, who just leaves the room. Tae giggles childishly.

Z rejoins Robaire on the couch, the two of them starting a round of some racing game. The house is peaceful and comfortable, and Z feels a lot more at ease than he did just hours ago. Thoughts of his parents all pushed to the side- because that's tomorrow, and he doesn't have to deal with them until then.

Soon, Tae's found his way to the couch, sitting with a plate in his lap. Robaire and Z do the same, eating while still playing their video game.

"Guys, don't eat that on the couch, please."

Jesse says, sitting at the table.

"You're not our dad!"

Robaire calls out. Tae almost immediately listens though, standing up and taking his food to the table.


Tae nods to Jesse, continuing to eat as T sits beside him.


Just as Jesse goes to drop his plate in the sink, there's a knock on the door.

"You guys expecting anyone?"

When no one responds, Jesse starts to walk towards the door.

Z shoots up from his seat, moving in front of Jesse.

"Wait! My parents! It could be them. I'm not ready- they said they were coming tomorrow, I'm not..."

Z says quickly, pushing Jesse away from the door. Jesse's surprised, not used to Z acting in such a way. He's usually straight faced and nonchalant when it comes to everything, so Jesse concludes that whatever is happening is serious.

"Calm down, it's okay. Go sit down, I'll see who's there. Okay? Z?"

Z nods, sitting back down. Jesse opens the door, revealing... No one. Just a small box set on the welcome mat. He takes it in, setting it on the table, heading over to Z.

"It's just a package, see? It's fine. You okay?"

"Yeah... Sorry. I just got a little..."

Jesse pats Z on the back.

"It's alright, it happens."

He decides to not ask Z about anything, leaving the issue alone.

"If anything happens, we're here."

Jesse smiles before leaving the room, walking past T.

"Hey, Z. Are you doin' okay?"

T asks softly, standing in front of him.

"I'm... scared."

Z says quietly- so quietly that he's surprised T heard him.

"Oh, babe..."

T coos as he takes Z's hand.

"I wish there was something I could do."

Z kisses T's hand, smiling sadly.

"You don't have to do anything, T. I can handle them. I think."

"Okay, but if you can't, I got you."

"Of course."

to be continued

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