Never Gone 3

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Z follows T into his room, closing the door behind him. He sees T go over to his CD player and put in a disc.

"Don't tell me you're listening to that album again."

Z says, and T jumps a little, surprised to hear his voice behind him.

"Leave me alone. I'm mad."

T crosses his arms, but Z just rolls his eyes and goes over to him.

"I know. You're also tired and need to go to sleep. You'll feel better."

Z pulls T closer, guiding him toward the bed. T yawns.

"I am gonna confront her so hard."

"I'm sure you are. I know you care a lot about this."

"Don't you?"

"If it makes you this upset, of course I care. I just don't think it's, like... The worst thing that's ever happened to us...? We don't even know for sure if Raya did it, and I know how you are. Just think about it before you go overboard- like I know you will."

T sighs. The two of them have settled into bed some time when Z was talking.

"But it has to be her. The timing is perfect, we know she's always been jealous of Beck, and she just-"

T cuts himself off when he sees Z looking at him with a straight face.


"No, I hear you. I'm not saying you're wrong at all. You can do that if you really want to."

T moves closer to Z, hiding his face in his chest and putting an arm around him.

"Good, cause I was gonna do it anyway."

He says, his voice a bit muffled. Z chuckles quietly.

"Okay then. I love you."

Z kisses the top of his boyfriend's head before reaching over and turning off the lamp beside the bed. T hums in response, finally shutting his eyes.

The next day, T and Z are ready to visit management so T can give Raya a little talk. They take Z's car to the building, heading straight for Raya's office. T stops a few feet in front of the door.

"You gonna go in?"

Z asks.

"You're not about to try to talk me out of this or anything?"

"Nope. You have my approval."

"Good, good... I'm a little nervous now, actually. Heh."


"Ugh. Z, help me!"

"What do you want me to do?"

As the two of them are talking, they hear rustling, followed by a thud on the other side of the door.

"You hear that? She's in there."

T says, getting closer to the door. He's about to open it when Z stops him.



He points down the hall, where they see Raya talking to another group of people.

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