A Night to Remember

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The band has just gotten the news from Raya, their manager, that they'll be attending the Grammy awards this year. Again. The only one who seems excited is Aaron T.

"Guys, come on, it's the Grammys!"

He exclaims, the rest of the boys still being unamused.

"Yeah. After what happened last year, what could go wrong?"

Robaire says sarcastically, crossing his arms. Tae Young frowns.

"I got lost last time. I don't wanna go again."

Tae pouts at Raya, who shrugs.

"I'm sorry, guys. You have to. It's part of the job."

"Ugh. Hopefully we'll actually win something this time. I worked so hard on that last tour."

Robaire says. Z rolls his eyes.

"You worked hard? I spent hours in that studio choreographing the moves that you could just barely do."

"Oh please, everyone knows that once we all left you were just in there with T getting a blowjo-"

"Okay! Raya, what are we nominated for?"

T cuts Robaire off, awkwardly grinning at Raya.

"Uh... Best group performance, best pop vocal album, and song of the year."

"Three nominations?"


"Avril Lavigne should win song of the year."

Everyone looks at Tae Young.


"Anyway, you guys are also supposed to be performing Nobody Like U."

"At the grammys?"

"Yes, T, where else-"

"That's so sick! Oh my god, guys, we should do like- like fire and fireworks and a full band and-"

T goes on, talking so fast that no one else even understands what he's talking about. Z watches him with a smile, quickly realizing what this means for him.

"Oh, we're gonna need a new routine... Something Grammys worthy... Oh god..."

Tae Young is even getting excited, a complete 360 from his earlier attitude. As everyone talks about the performance, Raya clears her throat.

"Ahem. The show is in three weeks, so you all better get something figured out. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!"

Raya soon leaves, the band still giddy with excitement.

"We have three weeks to prepare the performance of our lives!"

"Oh my god, we need to get started right away, three weeks is hardly enough time..."

Jesse even joins in, albeit much calmer than the others. Each of them have different ideas for the show, though; making it hard for him to listen to any of them.

"Alright guys. Calm down. Why don't we stop all this for a moment..."

They all look at Jesse.

"Z's right, three weeks is not a lot of time. Nothing's gonna get done if we just keep yelling things out and not listening to eachother."

"I hate to say it, but Jesse has a point."

Robaire sighs.

"So, we should just like... Take some time to ourselves, and then come back together to discuss the ideas. Sound good?"

There's a unanimous agreement, and the guys all separate, going to different rooms.

a/n: i'm gonna try and finish all the parts to this one today. wish me luck lol 

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