☆ Twenty Two

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One morning, Aaron T wakes up wrapped in Z's arms. He immediately sits up, grinning widely as he remembers what day it is. Z wakes up with a groan at the loss of warmth from his boyfriend.

"Good morning, Z!"

"Morning, baby..."

Z says tiredly, rubbing his eyes as he sits up as well.

"Happy birthday."

T giggles as Z kisses his forehead, then his cheek.

Later that day, T and Robaire are planning for the house party for the following weekend.

"So, you're telling me you can't get me a giraffe... It's illegal? How? We're just gonna ride it around and take some pictures-"

T's cut off as the zoo employee hangs up on him.


T sighs as he crosses 'giraffe' off his list. He looks up, watching Z walk in.

"Hey there."

"Hi, Z..."

Z pulls T in for a kiss. Robaire clears his throat.

"Ahem. We're in the middle of something, Z."

"What's that?"

"My birthday party! We're planning!"

T says. Z looks at the kitchen counter, which is littered with papers and sticky notes.

"I see."

"It's very serious. It's gonna be epic!"

"And it's not gonna be here."

Jesse chimes in.

"Ugh, Jesse! Why not?"

"Because, Tae has like, five animals in here right now. It'd be irresponsible. And besides, I don't wanna clean up after you guys."

T and Robaire look at each other, then quickly cross out a few things from their lists. Jesse rolls his eyes, picking up his keys and opening the door.

"Come on, Tae!"


Tae Young jogs down the stairs, following Jesse outside. They're doing some last minute shopping for T's birthday celebration today.

Still at home, T and Robaire are trying to think of more cool things to wow the guests at tomorrow's party. T gets a call.

"Hey, maybe the zoo called back! Pick it up!"

Robaire says, and T picks up the phone excitedly, not checking the contact name.

"Hello, Miss. I see you've decided to lend me that giraffe."


T's eyes go wide for a moment as he realizes it's his mother on the phone.

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