☆ Rigged

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"Z, come on! You've already played this game three times!"

T whines as his boyfriend digs more tickets out of his pocket, handing them to the carnival worker. He's been trying to win T a stuffed animal, playing the simple game for the past 20 minutes. The goal of the game is to knock down a clown statue by throwing beanbags at it. Seems easy enough, right? Z sure thought so. 

The employee and T are both watching him boredly. T is slightly less bored though- he was the one who asked Z to win him the stuffed dog in the first place.

"I'll get it this time."

Z throws the beanbag again, not getting it.

"Z, this is ridiculous."

T sighs, watching as Z throws more beanbags with an excessive amount of force. With the way he's throwing them, it looks like that little clown should be falling down. But it's not.

Z throws his hands up in defeat.

"Ugh! This game is so rigged. It's impossible."

T laughs at him, covering his mouth.

"I don't know, looks pretty easy to me."

"It does."

T keeps laughing at his boyfriend's frustration.

"Why don't you try, then?"

Z huffs, handing the worker the last of his tickets.

T steps up, grabbing a beanbag and throwing it significantly less fast and hard than Z did. The clown is knocked down, causing T to almost fall over in laughter.

Z's jaw drops, his face quickly turning red in embarrassment.

"Haha! Oh my god, Z, I won! That was so- Hahaha!"

T keeps laughing loudly, holding onto Z's arm.

"That... was just luck."

Even the employee holds back her laughter as she hands the dalmatian plushie to T.

"Babe, you gotta admit, that was pretty funny."

T says as they walk away, his laughter slowly dying down. He looks at Z to find him smiling as well.

"Next time, let's pick a different game..."

They laugh together, walking off hand in hand.

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