Chateau 6

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The next morning, Tae Young wakes up and eagerly heads downstairs, where Jesse is already waiting.

"Good morning, Jesse!"

He says, a wide grin on his face. Jesse can't help but smile back.

"Morning. You seem excited."

"I am! Me and Beck are going to help out at the shelter today."

"Oh, that's right. She did tell me about that. Which means the kids are staying here for a bit."

"They should be here about now, actually. We're supposed to be down there really soon."

Jesse nods, taking a sip of his coffee. Soon, Beck arrives and knocks on the door. Jesse goes to answer it, and his face lights up when he sees her.


He says, stepping aside to let her and the girls into the house. Willow and Blair squeal and cling onto Jesse's legs, and he laughs.

"Looks like they missed you."

Beck says. Jesse leans over to kiss her, and both kids immediately scream in disgust. Tae smiles as they run to him.

"You ready to go, Tae?"

Beck asks. Tae is busy greeting Willow and Blair, but he looks up.

"I'm ready!"

He says, giving them both one more hug before standing up. As Tae and Beck are leaving, Beck sees Robaire walk in. She waves politely, and Tae looks over. Tae blushes and quickly glances between him and Jesse- who watches with a calm expression.

"Well, we should get going now, we'll be back in a few hours!"

Tae says quickly, waving as he rushes outside. Beck looks at Jesse, silently questioning. He shrugs, although he's not nearly as lost as he thinks Beck is.

When Beck gets into the car with Tae Young, she immediately brings up his strange behavior.

"So, what was that about? And don't say it was nothing."

"Um.. Well, it's kinda complicated."

"Uh huh... But you're smiling now. What does that mean? "

Beck asks, her tone lighter. Tae shrugs, looking out the window.

"Well, I... I don't know. I just feel optimistic right now. Stuff is happening."


"Good stuff. Like... Really good."

"Okay, whatever that means... That's nice. Jesse told me that you were feeling a little down earlier, I'm glad you're better!"

"Yeah. It's been kinda... On and off. But I think it's gonna be okay."

Beck nods, glancing over at Tae for a moment to smile at him.

Back at home, T and Z are still in bed. Z groans lightly as he stretches his arms out, gradually waking. He was about to get up, when he felt two arms gently wrap around him, keeping him in bed.


T mutters, his voice still thick with sleep. He nuzzles his face into Z's chest, already drifting off again. Z smiles softly, draping his arm over T's shoulders.

"I can't sleep in today, babe."

Z says quietly. T opens one eye for a second.

"Yes you can."

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