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continuation of 'Back To Your Heart'


Jesse calls, and Beck turns around. Again, his heart speeds up at her smile, and with the way her hair is so prettily blowing in the wind, everything is suddenly ten times more difficult for him.



He clears his throat, nervously grinning back at her. Then, he takes both of Beck's hands in his, ignoring how his fingers tremble.

"I, uh... I don't know how I should start this."

Jesse chuckles.

"Start what? Are you okay?"

"Yes! I'm more than okay. It's just... I love you so much."

Beck blushes and smiles wider.

"Aw. I love you too."

Jesse breathes in. Here goes nothing.

"Beck, I don't even wanna imagine what my life would be like without you. I know we haven't always been perfect, but there's nothing I'd change- except maybe I'd do this sooner. And... I know if I keep talking now, we'd be here forever, so I'm just gonna get to the point."

As Jesse was talking, Beck slowly started to catch on-- it's not every day that Jesse gives a heartfelt speech about their relationship. Her suspicions are confirmed when he lowers himself onto one knee, keeping one of his hands on hers. The moment he reveals the ring, Beck gasps and immediately feels tears prick at her eyes.

"After everything we've been through together, I never want to lose you again. So, what I'm trying to ask is... Rebecca Adeline Blanchet, will you marry me?"

Jesse smiles fully as his nerves finally ease. Beck nods, her face already wet with tears. He stands up, sweeping her into a hug, and feels a little misty-eyed himself. He lets her go only to slide the ring onto her finger, then wraps his arms around her again, releasing a breath which he didn't even know he was holding.

"It's about time."

Beck laughs as Jesse wipes the tears from her face, staring down lovingly at her.

"I was so scared you were gonna reject me."


"Well... I don't know why I thought that. I'm just so relieved!"

"You're so cute."

Beck says, giving Jesse a peck on the lips.

"Oh my god, we're getting married."

She says, another wave of realization suddenly coming over her.

"You're gonna be my wife."

Jesse's voice is low and hushed as he pulls Beck closer. She leans into him, closing her eyes as her head rests against his chest. Jesse's heartbeat slows down, and his eyes fall shut as well. The two of them stay that way, enjoying a perfect moment.

Back at the arcade, things are winding down. Some of Justin's friends have gone already, leaving T, Raya, Tae Young, JC, and Justin himself. Ever since T yelled at Joey, it's been a bit tense-- if it wasn't already before.

"I think I'm gonna head out. You two need a ride?"

Raya asks T and Tae Young.

"Nope. Z let me drive his car here, can you believe that?"

T says.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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