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T x Z

Nothing could have ever prepared Z for this moment. He sits on the corner of his bed, his face's usual stoic expression gone. He'd just received a call from his parents- his mom, telling him that they'd be coming to visit. Of course, for most people, it would be good news. It should be for him. It would be, if it weren't for all the things that Z had kept from them.

Z's parents have always had big dreams for him. They wanted him to be a star athlete- which he's wanted for himself as well, but not as much as he's wanted to do music. Music was always his real dream.

His mom and dad definitely do know about the band- it's kind of hard not to. It would be impossible to avoid all the constant advertising that's done for them. Of course, Z's parents were disappointed when they found out. Disappointed that their son wanted to be a musician; a singer, a dancer- rather than the professional athlete like they had hoped. 

Z stares at his phone's screen- in disbelief at first. Why? Why do they want to come all of the sudden? They can't possibly want to see him. Not after the way they acted last time.

Then comes the sadness. The knowing that this encounter could end up the same way as past ones have.

Z sighs, bringing a shaky hand to his face. He tries to think of things that calm him- his home, his friends... T.

T? He hasn't even thought of him, how his parents would react to him. Like any other parent, Z's just wanted him to find someone to be with. A girl to be with. What would they think of this boy that he'd planned to spend the rest of his life with? Z doesn't even know if they're homophobic, it's not something they've ever brought up. But he can never be too careful.

As Z is lost in his thoughts, T stands outside of his bedroom door.


He shouts, knocking quickly.

"Z, I know you're in there!"

"It's open."

Just as Z responds, T swings the door open.

"Hey, hottie, I thought we could go to- Are you okay?"

T's face immediately floods with concern upon seeing his boyfriend's sulking figure.

"Z, what's wrong?"

He crawls onto the bed, sitting in front of Z.


"Z, come on."

Z lets out a breath, letting his head hang.

"My parents. They're coming to visit tomorrow."

T, confused, bites his lip and looks up in thought.

"That's bad?"

Z nods.

"Why? If- if you don't mind telling me."

Z brings his head up, looking at his boyfriend.

"I don't know... Just... Every time I talk to them, they just... I know it's not gonna turn out well."

T nods, suddenly moving to curl up in Z's lap. Z runs his hands through the smaller boy's hair.

"I'm sorry. If, uh... If there's anything I can do..."

"It's okay. I love you."

Z says sadly, kissing his head.

"I love you too, Z."

to be continued

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