Second Wind

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The night of 4*Town's album release party, the house is buzzing with excitement from the band. Upstairs, T and Tae Young are in Tae's room.

"You know, I'm really nervous."

Tae admits, finally voicing the thought that had been hanging in the air between them.

"About tonight, about talking to Justin."

He says, sitting on his bed behind T, who's currently adjusting his hair in the mirror of Tae's vanity.

"I can tell."

T turns around.

"But if you ask me, you have nothing to worry about."


Tae fidgets with the sleeve of his jacket.

"Really. And if anything goes wrong, which isn't... Well, actually, there's about a fifty-fifty chance. You never know with them, really."

T laughs to himself briefly. Tae gives him a half smile.

"Anyways... Neither of them are the center of the universe, despite how much they think it. You're gonna get through this just fine, and before you know it, Robaire will be buying out entire theaters for our double dates again."

Tae smiles fully, moving to stand beside his friend.

"I hope you're right. I don't know how much more of this I'm willing to go through."

"Seriously. But it must get pretty exciting having two guys fight over you."


"Also, you look totally hot tonight. If anything goes wrong, at least you have that."

T winks, gesturing at Tae's fully pink outfit. Tae smiles, playfully rolling his eyes.

"Thanks. You look good too, by the way."

T looks in the mirror again, adjusting his jacket over his metallic gold top that stops just above his navel. He puts his hands on his hips and smiles again.

"You're right, I do."

T laughs, grabbing Tae's hand.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, let's go!"

The two of them head downstairs and join the rest of the guys, who've been waiting for them. Z chuckles appreciatively when he sees his boyfriend's outfit, stepping forward and pulling him close.

"You look so beautiful, babe."

Z whispers softly, his eyes roaming T's body. Just as Z's hands start to wander, Jesse clears his throat.

"Oh, okay, lovebirds. Can we get going now?"

Jesse asks, his good-natured smile betraying the scolding tone of his voice. Robaire gives Tae a smile, subtly nodding at his outfit. Tae blushes, following the others outside.


Raya says, stopping the group from getting into the limo. Jesse gives her a concerned look.

"What's wrong? You okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine. Stand next to each other, guys. I need a picture."

Jesse shakes his head, smiling for the camera. Beck and the other guys follow suit, posing for Raya's picture.

"Perfect. That's good. Definitely going on the website. Okay, you all can get in now."

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