☆ Illuminati Confirmed

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A dim light flickers in the room, casting a figure's shadow on the wall. Ominous music plays from somewhere, barely filling the eerie silence, mysteriously echoing throughout the small space. Then, a screen suddenly turns on, emitting a bright glow.

"You may be wondering what you've been brought here for."

The voice sounds out from in front of Jesse, Z, and Robaire.

"Well, my friends, we think it's time that an issue is brought to light."

A second voice comes from behind them, making Robaire jump. The screen before them displays a picture of Robaire.

"Robaire. The leader of 4*Town, a charming and handsome man. He speaks French, loves Michael Jackson, and is from Toronto, Canada. It seems like we know him, but do we really?"

The picture of Robaire on the screen inverts, now photo-negative. A dramatic 'du duunn' sound effect plays, and Jesse covers his mouth, stifling a laugh. Tae Young stands in front of the screen, a serious expression still on his face.

"Is something funny, Jesse?"

"N- no! Keep going, please, I'm interested."

T goes to stand beside Tae Young, wearing the same unsmiling look.

"Take a look at these pictures."

The screen shows three different pictures of Robaire, all marked as being from different years- yet he looks almost exactly the same in all of them. The only thing really different is the clothing that he wears in each.

"This one is from his senior year of high school. This is from two years ago. The last one is from yesterday."

Tae explains.

"Notice how he looks exactly the same? Nothing has changed! How is this possible, Robaire?"

T says in an accusatory tone, stepping towards Robaire.

"High school wasn't even that long ago, I'm only twenty two-"


"He already knows what we're about to say, T."

"Anyway, you might be thinking, why point this out?"

T continues on.

"Well, it could be argued that he's a vampire. But we tested this, and that's not the case. It's something much worse."

Robaire looks at them in confusion.

"Huh? You tested? What does that even mean?"

"It doesn't matter. Don't change the subject. Tae?"

T says, and Tae Young nods at him as he changes the slide to a picture of a green triangle with an eyeball.

Jesse laughs again, immediately covering his mouth to avoid interrupting them again.

"The only explanation is that Robaire is part of the Illuminati."

Tae says with a stern face, being completely serious. Robaire can't believe his eyes or ears.


"In addition, how do you think he hits all those high notes so easily? We all know he skips practice and fired his vocal coach."

Jesse looks at Robaire.

"You fired Jason?"

Robaire shrugs, and T points at him.



"Jason was onto you, so you had to get rid of him. Did you really just fire him? Cause none of us have heard from him since then."

"Actually, that's true. I didn't even know you fired him until now."

Z speaks up.

"I just didn't need him anymore, that's all!"

"Yeah, because you started using your Illuminati provided powers to strengthen your voice! That's how you hit that note at the panda thing so easily last year!"

T says, and Robaire scoffs, looking away from him.

"Notice how he has two slits cut in his hair, and one in his eyebrow. That makes three. You know what has three sides, T?"

"A triangle."


The X-Files theme starts playing, and Jesse just bursts out into a fit of laughter, not even trying to hide it anymore. Z even chuckles a little.

"And all that is why we believe- no, we know Robaire is part of the Illuminati."

T says, him and Tae bowing, signifying the end of their presentation. Jesse is the only one that claps. Robaire is not amused.

"Anything to say for yourself, Robby?"

"Yeah. You guys are ridiculous."

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