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this is a continuation of the cheerleaders thing. also have this meme that i made. the one who fell is Robaire

The day T and Z left on Jesse's helicopter, Robaire invited Tae Young to watch a movie with him in their living room

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The day T and Z left on Jesse's helicopter, Robaire invited Tae Young to watch a movie with him in their living room.

He was ready to use his charm to sweep him off his feet. It would be easy, right? It works all the time with so many girls and even guys, this should be a breeze.

As they watch the movie, Robaire starts his first step in his plan to woo Tae. He subtly looks at him, biting his lip a little. Tae doesn't notice, eyes still being stuck to the TV.

Stare at him, and when he makes eye contact, look away.

Robaire plans in his head, the technique being one he used on plenty of girls, making them blush every time. He keeps it up for a little while longer, sighing when Tae doesn't look back at him.

"Are you okay?"

Tae asks, and Robaire realizes he was still staring. He ends up being the one blushing instead of Tae.

"Yeah. I'm good."

He says awkwardly. This is going to be harder than he thought.

Robaire thinks of other subtle ways of flirting. He's the romance expert of the band, this shouldn't be so hard for him!

Okay, that didn't work. New plan.

Tae flinches a little when the movie shows a jumpscare, Robaire smirks.

The classic 'yawn and put your arm over their shoulder'. That's gotta work.

Robaire fakes a yawn, stretching his arms over his head. He smoothly puts one of them on Tae's shoulders.

Tae snuggles into him, smiling softly.

At least I got that right.

Robaire smiles as well. They keep looking at the TV screen, neither of them actually paying attention to the movie. Tae is internally freaking out, while Robaire ponders what move he should pull next.

What other ways even are there to flirt with someone while watching a movie?

When a particularly scary scene happens in the movie, Tae squeals and hides his face in Robaire's chest. Robaire laughs, starting to pet his hair.

"Hey, it's okay, the movie's almost over."

Tae turns his head again, the side of his face still touching Robaire's chest. He can hear his heartbeat, which is surprisingly fast.

"Are you scared?"


"Uh, of the movie. Your heart is beating like, really fast."

Robaire blushes.

"I, uh... Y- no?"

Tae gives a soft 'hm', looking back at the movie.

Stupid Robaire. What's gotten into you, you should already be making out with him by now! Am I... Losing my charm?

Robaire is mentally scolding himself as the final moments of the film play out. Tae is anticipating what Robaire's next move will be.

They watch the credits for a little while, then both turn to look at each other at the same time. They both have the same reaction, blushing, laughing, looking away. Neither of them know exactly what to do next when the movie turns off.



They sit in slightly awkward silence.

"Next time, let's go to the theater."

"Sounds fun!"

They try to make conversation, but they're both nervous in the other's presence.

Jesse appears in the doorway, stopping his crusade into the room when he sees the two boys on the couch facing away from him.

He rolls his eyes at their teen-like awkwardness. It reminds him of a girl he dated in high school, and he laughs to himself.

Robaire looks behind him to see Jesse smiling. Jesse winks, giving him two thumbs up.

"Good Luck."

He mouths.

Robaire's never needed luck with this kind of stuff before, all he's needed was his good looks and charm.

He looks at Tae Young, and starts to realize that it's different this time.

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