First Date

666 17 31

continuation of "charm"

Tae Young and Aaron T are in Tae Young's bathroom, sitting on tall stools in front of the mirror. Earlier that day, Robaire had asked Tae out on a date. Now, he's sort of panicking while trying to get ready.

"Oh my gosh, T, I need to change my outfit!"

Tae quickly hops down from his stool, going into his closet again for the third time. In the process, T's hand slips and smudges Tae's eyeliner. Again. T sighs, following him.

"Tae, you've already tried on, like, a hundred outfits."

Tae sticks his head out of the closet.

"I need something better!"

"You look fine, though..."

Tae is wearing a dark grey colored turtleneck, with black high waisted jeans. The sweater is tightly fitting, neatly tucked in. He wears a belt with a silver buckle, a chain hanging from his belt loops. It's one of the many outfits that T helped pick out for him.

"I don't need to look fine, I need to look perfect!"

Tae continues to rummage through the clothes, occasionally throwing out pieces onto the floor. He finally emerges with a black jacket.


T holds in a laugh.

"You did all this just to come up with that?"

"It goes with the outfit!"

"I thought you were gonna-"

"I changed my mind! Now come on, you ruined my makeup."

"Your fault."

"Whatever, T!"

They go back into the bathroom, Tae now wearing the jacket. T re-applies the eyeliner on Tae, doing a simple wing like he usually wears. When he's done, Tae smiles.

"Thank you."

"Any time."

Tae bites his lip in thought.

"I've never been on a date, T. What if I do something wrong?"

"You won't... probably. I mean, yeah, you could end up, like, embarrassing yourself, or him, or even worse, you could trip on a crack in the sidewalk and fall first onto the..."

T stops upon seeing Tae's worried expression.

"Er... but you won't! It's gonna be fine."

T reassures him.


"Where is he taking you?"

"I don't even know! He didn't tell me, said it was a surprise..."

"Hm. Now I might have to follow you two and hide in some bushes with binoculars to make sure he doesn't like, murder you or anything. Or worse, take you to Olive Garden."

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