☆ Jealous

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T and Z are walking together in the night, hands intertwined. They have their hoodies on, the combination of that and the darkness perfectly hiding their identities so they can walk in peace.

"T, we're getting some food."

Z says quietly, T happy going along with him into a medium sized restaurant.

"Go sit down baby, I'll order something to go."

Z tells him with a kiss on his cheek, seeing the long line, leaving to wait in it. T sits, watching him.

As Z stands in line, two girls enter the restaurant and stand behind him. T doesn't think much of it, until they start pointing and laughing to themselves.

T's eyes narrow at the pair. They better not be doing this towards his Z. T crosses his arms and angrily watches the girls as one of them taps Z on the shoulder.

"Hey, we were just wondering if you..."

T tries to listen in on their conversation, to no avail. The line moves farther away.

Z doesn't really listen to the girls, trying to turn back around- except they just keep talking. When he tries to end the conversation, one of them puts a hand on his chest. She looks up at him in a way that is far too flirty for T, leaving him seething.

Z moves the girl's hand gently, telling her something before turning back around. The girls keep trying to tell him something, but he ignores them.

T's decided that he's seen enough, so he springs from his seat and strides over to his boyfriend.

"Hey, T. Long line."

Z says, slightly relieved, his hand finding T's.


T replies, glaring at the girls behind them.

"Got a problem, shorty?"

One of them- who is indeed taller than T- smirks.

"Yeah, I do. How about you stop touching my boyfriend-"

She laughs.

"Your boyfriend! That's hilarious. You know- Now that I think about it... He does look gay!"

The other joins in on her laughter, causing Z to roll his eyes.

"Don't pay attention to them, T."

"Well- whatever. What. Ever."

T says, scoffing.

"It's a shame though, a body like that should be put to good use... With a girl who knows how to appreciate it."

The tall girl winks at Z.

Smoke basically pours from T's ears. He squeezes Z's hand and closes his eyes in anger.

"Baby, please just... It's almost our turn."

Z pleads, looking down at his now red boyfriend.

He kisses him suddenly, deeply, a kiss that Z would normally never initiate in public.

"That's f*cking disgusting."

A girl mumbles. T flips them off, kissing back.

"Next! Uh..."

The two pull away, walking up to the counter, Z ordering food. T sticks his tongue out childishly at the girls as Z pulls him out of the building.

As they're walking again, T doesn't have the same bounce in his step.

Z looks at him, concerned.

"T? What's going on, tiny?"

T shrugs.

"I get that you're super hot and all, but people like that just... they just... can't..."

T struggles to put words to his feelings, but Z nods in understanding.

"I know. I was so uncomfortable, you saved me though. Thanks."

T nods in a sort of 'you're welcome', the couple continuing to walk home.

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